Fred's Feline Fears

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 48970

"Yesss," Fred agreed. "I can sssstill feel the pull towards ourrrr goal."

"Then let ussss be off!" Astra proclaimed, again leaping high into the jungle canopy. Fred followed behind her, leaving behind only a few thoroughly gnawed bones and the scattered scraps of cloth that had been their clothing.

I am worried about Astra, Fred thought as they bounded along through the treetops. We've both been affected by Mistress's spell - I can't even think of her now as anything but Mistress! - but she far more than myself! I will admit it feels good to be so powerful, and even to traverse this jungle unencumbered by a layer of clothing we no longer need!

But the Princess... Something has happened to her. She revels in this wild freedom! Now she says she wants to remain Jaguari, to reject her life and her throne, to stay and make her home in this jungle!

Are we humans who wear the form of Jaguari? Or are we now Jaguari who once used to be human?

She's chosen that latter. Why?

And will I eventually make that choice, too?

Fred's thoughts were broken by the sight of Astra halting up ahead and holding up a hand to silence him. Silently, he joined her on the branch and peered down below. With his night vision now equally as sharp as in daytime, he clearly saw what had stopped Astra:

  1. A company of armed guards waiting in a clearing below.
  2. A village - in the trees!
  3. A pack of gazelles.
  4. A group of rough-looking men, taunting an obviously terrified captive.
  5. Two carnage beasts!
  6. The wall of an impossibly high cliff.

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