Questions for Hesht

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 48590

An oil lamp hanging from a hook high on one wall provided enough illumination for Astra to see Hesht's face reasonably well. "So we're locked in to preserve my privacy," she said. "Do you really expect me to believe that that's the real reason? I don't like being held a prisoner, Hesht."

"You s-shouldn't look at it like that. It's j-just that they d-don't want you to see anything that you s-houldn't."

"And what might that be? No, don't bother to answer that. I know that you aren't allowed to tell me. But I think that I can guess. This is a stronghold of the alchemists, isn't it, and they don't want me finding out anything about their business. They obviously know you here, so I imagine that you work for them. I'd expected to be going on my way tomorrow, but from what you told Sog and his friends it seems that I will be held here until this Doazda returns. He's the boss of this outfit, I take it? Now tell me truthfully, Hesht, do you really think that I will be allowed to go even then? Won't the alchemists be afraid that I will tell the authorities where their hide-out is?"

"I w-wouldn't have b-brought you here if I had thought that, Astra. That's the p-point of the b-blindfold, so you won't know where this p- place is. Yes, this is a centre for the alchemists, but I t-trust Doazda. He is a good man. He should be b-back in a d-day or two, if the weather doesn't d-delay him too much. Then I will be able to t-take you on to P- petrona, or maybe one of the others who is g-going that way will do so instead."

Astra was fairly sure that Hesht was telling her the truth as he saw it. That impression was reinforced by the slightly aggrieved look on his face, of someone who had simply being trying to do a good turn only unexpectedly to be met with harsh words. So, as she had expected, it seemed that "hopelessly naive" summed him up. "All right, Hesht," she said in a kinder tone of voice.

She did not know what conclusion Doazda would come to concerning her when he returned, but she would sooner not be around to find out. Well, the alchemists might keep her locked up at night, but surely they wouldn't do so during the day as well? Perhaps an opportunity to escape would present itself. This seems to be becoming a habit, she thought ruefully. First Gilder's palace, then Polabi, then Golabi, and now here.

She was too tired to think any more about it tonight, she decided. She badly needed a good night's sleep. Even then, following her exertions today and the foul weather she had been out in, she expected to wake up feeling stiff and achey in the morning.

But even more than tired, she was hungry and thirsty, so she was glad when she heard the door of the barn being unlocked, and then Sog came in with a tray on which were a loaf, a cheese, a pitcher of beer, another of water and two tankards. "Supper is served," he said, and made an ironic bow.

  1. Sog leaves, locking the door again. Astra and Hesht eat their supper.
  2. Meanwhile, back in Golabi, Doazda is examining the ring that Astra left behind.

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