The High Road

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 48400

"You're rrrright," Fred agreed after a moment. "I almossst feel like there's a line, pulling me that way." He pointed off towards the west.

"Then let's wassste no more time," Astra said heading that way.

"Wait a moment," Fred said.


"Jussst this," Fred said, and with a crouch, he leapt up a nearby tree. His jump carried him almost 20 feet straight up, and using his claws, he easily scaled it almost to the top. "Thisss way will be much fasterrr!"

With an approving snarl, Astra repeated Fred's maneuver, joining him in the branches of the tree. Obviously, Jaguari were at home in the trees, for they felt no disorientation at all - in fact, they were more sure and steady as they leapt from tree to tree and limb to limb than they had been on the ground earlier.

In this manner, Fred and Astra covered a considerable distance over the next few hours. Eventually, night began to fall, but the two of them found their vision had improved so that travel by moonlight was not particularly harder than in the day.

"How farrrr away do you think we arrrre?" Astra asked.

"As nearrr as I can tell, thrrrree or four days' travel still," Fred replied. "Werrrre we still human, it would be many morrre than that."

"Mistressss was wisssse, then to choose ourrrr forms," Astra observed, disturbed that she had so casually referred to Anthris as "Mistress".

"Yes," Fred agreed. "But do you think we should rrrrest for a while before going on?"

  1. "It hasss been a while," Astra admitted. "Let us take rrrrefuge in this high tree for a few hourrrs."
  2. "It hasss been a while," Astra said, "But I feel no fatigue at all. Jaguarrri must have incrrredible ssstamina!"
  3. "I feel no need to dally," Astra growled, "But I think we need to hunt forrr some food! A frrresh kill sounds deliciousss!"
  4. Before she could reply, a rain of arrows flew from the jungle floor below.
  5. Before she could reply, a shower of stones descended from the treetops above..
  6. Before she could reply, a dark figure appeared hovering in the air before them,

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