
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 48086

The next morning, Freda awoke feeling a bit uncomfortable. That's funny, she thought groggily, It feels like I was stretched out or something - almost like...

"Freda!" came the sound of Astra's voice. "Freda, come on, wake up! We've been chained to these beds!"

Freda's eyes flew open. Sure enough, she saw a sturdy iron chain on each wrist leading to the bed post. A little testing revealed her ankles likewise chained.

Freda remembered (falsely, but she remembered) one time when a customer at Madame Candida's had asked for a similar arrangement, which is why the sensation was so familiar. But this time, no one had paid her to have this done to her. She and he companion were trapped.

"What do we do now?" Astra asked worriedly.

"I don't know," she admitted. She was as frightened as Astra sounded.

Just then, the door opened, and the old crone stepped inside, regarding the pair with an appraising eye.

"Please," Astra pleaded, "Let us go!"

"We've done you no harm," Freda added. "Why have you done this to us?"

  1. The crone replied, "You two little vixens are going to make me young again!"
  2. The crone replied, "I've summoned the forest ranger - we don't take kindly to bawdy girls such as yourselves in these woods!"
  3. The crone replied, "You two are under some sort of spell - I'm going to try and lift it. The chains are for your own protection."
  4. The crone replied, "I know a nobleman who will pay a lot for a pair of courtesans like yourselves for his own personal use. I'm going to get you ready for him now."
  5. The crone replied, "You'll find out soon enough. Now sleep!"
  6. The crone said nothing, but simply turned and left.

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