George Carlin

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 47638

Having long forgotten his original problem, Josh starts insulting Bill Cosby to George Carlin. George, a long-time friend of Josh, lets the madness run it's course. Eventually, Josh is reduced to angrily insulting yams, as most of his rants end this way. George slowly asks Josh if he, Josh, remembers why he, Josh, called George in the first place.

  1. Josh remembers his original problem and calmly explains it.
  2. Josh does not remember and blames Bill Cosby.
  3. Josh does not remember and blames George Carlin.
  4. Several people Josh had never seen before run into the room and perish.
  5. Josh starts talking about how awesome Richard Nixon was.
  6. Purely by coincidence, Lewis Blank comes on the line.
  7. In an astonishing incident that nobody would learn about for several hours yet, Stephen Colbert becomes a centaur.

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