The Hidden Fortress

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 47394

Astra noticed that Hesht seemed to understand what she was requesting, and was starting to move. She also noticed that he did not answer her, and avoided looking at her. The close call with the boar had done something to him, but she could not worry about that now. She knew that they needed to get to shelter.

Sagebrush and grass now dominated a black landscape. Soil gave way to basalt rock. Hesht headed for a tangle of sagebrush. She looked more closely, and saw that the sagebrush surrounded a lone, rocky butte. He kneeled and crawled in. Astra followed him.

The butte had been hollowed out at this point, and a fortified hideout had been built. Whether it had been built by the Hespaniard kings, or by outlaws, Astra could not tell. There was an square opening in the ceiling for air and light, the flue of a fireplace, and a bench. Hesht lay the lamp on the bench, and then motioned to a corner. There was a real bed in the corner, an unexpected luxury. Astra prodded at it. The cords underneath were tight, and the mattress seemed to be of a finer material than the straw that one could expect in these circumstances. It would be very comfortable.

Astra then told Hesht, "That is very nice, but as the host, you should take it. I am used to sleeping on floors, and having a place that will keep the wind out is all I was hoping for."

Hesht, bleary-eyed, with his shoulders slumped, shook his head.

Astra could make a guess as to why Hesht seemed sad. His freezing when the boar charged could be considered cowardly. That fact that he did this before a woman was probably especially humiliating, given what she knew about Hespaniard society. He probably tried to avoid large animals such as boars rather than hunting them.

"So I do not have a tall, strong, self-assured, knight in shining armour," she thought. "That is not all a bad thing. Hesht certainly knows his way around Tange, and is not likely to try anything rash. And he might be humble enough - and smart enough - to give me the knife. I can probably put it to better use than he can."

Astra then continued, speaking to Hesht, "Well, I can take the bed, but only if you will do me the favour of lying on the floor close by, and talking to me as I go to sleep. I have gathered that it is hard for you to do that, but it would make it much easier for me to fall asleep."

Hesht simply answered, "I will."

Hesht lay on his belly, on the ground next to the bed, while Astra lay cozily under a thin blanket. Astra said, "Now, let's exchange secrets. I will tell you something about myself, if you will tell me something about yourself. Something that nobody else in Hespan knows."

Hesht replied, "I - I do not have anything. Everybody knows who I am."

Astra said, "Ah, but I am not of Hespan, as you know. So you can tell me anything, and it is likely to be interesting. I will start, to give you some time to think. One of my secrets, and one that I do not want anyone here to know, is that I have my Master's badge in the Sabre."

Hesht answered, "Wh - wh- what is a say-ber?"

Astra explained, "The sabre is a type of sword. It is used by the calvary. The Aqualarian sabre is a bit stouter than a normal infantry sword, and is slightly curved."

"G- go on."

"Getting Master status is something that I am proud of. I got it before my twenty-first birthday, and I was the first person in three generations to achieve it that early." Astra thought, "This should give Hesht something to think about when I ask for the knife."

  1. Astra continued by saying, "It is your turn. What it your secret?"
  2. Hesht asked, "What do you have to do to become a M- master?"

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