More self-indulgent Addventure crap

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 47389

In the true spirit of ad(d)venture, you and your companions begin to climb upwards, not looking back for an instant.

You climb for many hours; by now, you have given up counting the number of steps. "I'm beginning to feel hungry," you say after a while. "And thirsty, and tired. I want to just lie down and sleep."

"We'll have to wait until after we get to the bottom of this bizarre setting (or top in this case)," says the other Betty.

"What kind of dialogue is that?" you say a bit irritably.

"It was in the original episode, I think," says Betty-2. "I hate it when Addventure does that to us."

"Hey!" says Stacy. "I smell a barbeque; and mexican food. I wonder if we've reached paradise."

"I hope not," you say. "I don't think I'd want to spend eternity in an afterlife that's part of Addventure." Not long after the first smell, you find yourself on what appears to be a long road, with only junk food joints on the side.

  1. You go to Taco Bell and have tacos.
  2. You go to the beer park.
  3. You walk along the road in search of a way out. This place scares the !@#$ out of you.
  4. Something completely different from the original episode happens. Possibly involving gorillas and/or zombies.

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