
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4726

Fred yawns, "Sleepy... I'll build a raft a bit later..."

He goes back to his makeshift hammock and sleeps for a few more hours. He awakes to the sound of drums, and dancing tribesman.

"Hoo-yaka! Shayaka! Hoo-yaka! Shayaka! Lothkar! Lothkar! Hoo-yaka- LOTHKAR!" The chanting repeated twice before one of the the tribesman noticed he was awake and grabbed him.

"Dayo, dayo. Hoo-yaka..." The tribesman said in the strange language, waiting for Fred to respond. "MIZO! Dayo?"

"Wha?" Fred asked, "Don't any of you speak Allarian, or the languages of the Eastern Kingdoms?"

The tribesman whose skin was very dark, and who was wearing nothing but crude underwear made from bearskin, and a skull necklace, laughed and replied: "Allaria mizo! Dayo. Caibu no Allaria! Barndo!"

A tribeswoman who was in a similiar outfit stepped forward. She wasn't wearing anything over the top of her body, and she was quite attractive so Fred thought of it as just a perk, "Speak basic Allaria, I do. This is land of Caibu tribe. How you get here we not know. Tribesman was ask question... 'Dayo.' Dayo means..."

  1. "'Dayo' means: How would you like to be eaten?"
  2. " 'Dayo' means: What is your name?"

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