Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 46371

In a token effort to pay tribute to their fallen friend Josh Burbank, Scott and ODS find his police file. It wasn't hard to find, as the folder was nearly two inches thick and on the brink of falling apart.

Setting it onto the nearest desk, Scott and ODS quickly begin rooting through the documents contained in the file, looking for Josh's funniest crimes.

Finally, ODS encounters a report that causes him to exclaim out loud:

  1. "Genocide?"
  2. "Not believing Morris Day and The Time is the greatest band ever?"
  3. "Impersonating a Yield sign?"
  4. "Corrupting the residents of a nursing home?"
  5. "Acting like an idiot on extendable story websites?"

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Ben McClellan

10/21/2009 9:16:01 AM

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