Ice-Blue Eyes

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45820

"There's nothing to be frightened of," Fred reassured Cassayn. "The dragons are dead, and I can protect you from anything else that we might encounter down here. I will escort you out of the caves and back to Caemlyn. There, we can see about making arrangements to get you back home."

Cassayn thought that Fred was rather missing the point - it was the nature of the sword and wondering what could be behind her own teleportation that were worrying her - but she was far too polite to say so. "Thank you," she said. "That's very kind of you."

Somehow feeling that she ought to say something more, she uttered the first thing that came into her head: "You know, your eyes are almostly exactly the same colour as the blade of your sword."

  1. "Well, I am blue-eyed."
  2. "So are yours, Cassayn."
  3. "Huh? My eyes are brown."

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