Jungle Bungle

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4577

As the heat beat down upon Frederigo's brow, the shade of the jungle seemed the clearest path. But a scant ten minutes into the overgrowth, Fred was already regretting his decision. With each step among winding roots and around giant ferns, general directions were slipping away. If only he had paid more attention on Battlemaster Corum's instruction hikes through the D'Honaire clan's forests. All that came to Fred now were his older sister's stories of the Stone Warriors of Ruul, jungle dwellers never seen by the living. Despite the relative coolness of the shade, the humidity of the jungle was sapping Fred's energy with every step. He stopped panting and listened, hoping for a sign of water, people, something. Straight on, at least thirty yards ahead, Fred though he heard the faint trickle of some sort of stream or falls. To his left, even further away seemed to be the sound of drums, sinister and regular.

  1. Fred advances forward, toward the sound of water
  2. Fred turns left and approaches the source of the drumming

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