Slaughter 'Em All!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45707

Fred could not believe what he was hearing. "So you want me to slaughter every person in the village - man, woman and child?"

"Of course not." the King replied. Fred let out a sigh of relief

"These creatures can disguise themselves as anything - I want you to kill all the animals as well - cows, sheep, dogs, cats, rats . . ."

Fred gulped.

" . . . pigeons, ducks, fish, spiders, ants, wasps . . ."

"Bur that might take some t . . ."

"And they can also appear as inanimate objects, so you'll also have to destroy all the buildings, furniture, weapons, pottery, clothing, weapons, utensils . . ."

Fred broke out in a cold sweat. He wasn't sure what was worse - the fact that he would have to kill so many living creatures, or the fact that his task was likely to prove next to impossible.

"Excuse me, sire", he asked, "but what weapon could possibly lay waste to this village so thoroughly that no living creature could survive it?"

The King looked thoughtful, stroked his beard, and . . .

  1. muttered, "Well, I suppose a dragon might be able to do it!"
  2. smiled: "I have just the thing - the sacred Toothpick of Rinoplast!"
  3. replied icily, "well, if it's so difficult, just don't bother then!", as he turned on his heels and wandered off in a hissy fit

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Eric Kantona

9/20/2004 3:55:08 AM

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