Worrying Thoughts

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45448

Astra awoke at that point, with almost perfect recall of her dream. Or perhaps "vision" would be a better word, she reflected, for she had no doubt that what she had seen and, more importantly, heard was real rather than imagined.

She wasn't too sure of the significance of all that she had heard, but the parts that she had understood alarmed her. These Gliders were clearly very fearful of both "anglideri" - humans - and "glideri" - which she supposed must mean dragons in the context in which the term was used. She assumed that "ogres" must be an alternative, unflattering, name for humans. Worst of all, this Ballentine, who was clearly an important and influential Glider, seemed to be in favour of launching a pre-emptive attack against the Gliders' human neighbours.

It appeared that their own visit to the Glider nation might be taking place at the worst possible time. For Astra herself to appear in her human form might be almost as dangerous as appearing as a dragon. No, she corrected herself, more dangerous, since she would be more vulnerable if attacked.

She would need to talk to the others, and especially Checkers, about all this. Perhaps they needed to change their plans, or even to give up on their mission altogether? But it was still early in the night, for the vision had lasted at most an hour, and the others were still sound asleep. She would have to wait till morning to talk to them.

  1. She managed to go back to sleep.
  2. No longer sleepy, but feeling the need to keep herself occupied to take her mind off her worries, Astra went for a swim.
  3. No longer sleepy, but feeling the need to keep herself occupied to take her mind off her worries, Astra did a little exploring on her own, making use of her ability to see in near total darkness.

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