Burp, The Talking Cow

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4535

"Your name is Burp?" Fred asked the cow, while they both stood under the overhang of a large, lonely willow.
"Yup." said Burp.
"But why? Who named you that."
"My mom. Cows are usually named after the most memorable aspect of their birth. I'm just lucky I belched and didn't get named 'Bloody Aggravating Mess' like my sister or 'Damnyourheadwashuge' like my little brother."
"Ewww. How come you can talk?"

  1. "Dunno."
  2. "It's a long story. Listen up."
  3. "Stray magic bolt. It turned my old brother, Poopsalot, into a donkey. Belboz was destroying an insane mage in a nearby town."
  4. "I'm not allowed to tell under penalty of death by the ruler of Hespan. He's a big weirdo, that 'un."

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