Cork and Citrus

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45062

Astra saw dolphins leaping out of the water, the shells of tortoises breaking through to the surface, and the odd dorsal fin of some unidentified fish bobbing up and down, but she saw none of the craft of men. Astra silently told Sartoma, There appears to be a good landing site on the eastern shore, toward the southern end of the island. It is a flat beach with few trees. Sartoma silently agreed. She then pulled a cord, opening a vent, and the air seeped out of the balloon.

Whoa. We are falling too fast, Astra said, silently to Sartoma.

"We are fine. We are going to use the tops of the oak trees to help us slow down. We might bump the gondola on the ground a couple of times, but everything is under control. I may ask you to extend your wings from time to time to provide a brake on our descent, but please do not do it until I say so, or we will overshoot and land in the sea."

The four in the gondola held on tightly as the balloon descended. The top branches of some cork oaks scraped against the bottom of the gondola. The leaves made a swooshing sound, and a flock of large white birds burst out, scattering in order to avoid the falling balloon. The upper branches of the oaks were springy, and Astra and Sartoma were able to guide the balloon across the treetops.

The cork oak gave way to grapefruit trees that were filled with smallish and ripe fruit. These gave way to the beach. "Wings in a bit," called Sartoma. The gondola bumped sharply on the ground, bounced up a little, and then landed. The four in the gondola regained their balance. Astra then landed gracelessly but safely.

Sartoma called to the other. "Let's get the contraption off Astra, and spend the night here. This island does not look inhabited, and the grapefruit will help us preserve our rations."

Astra's crew removed the harness and flattened and folded the balloon. It took about a half hour to do this.

Solbert then observed

  1. that there was a sign that the island had been visited by mariners sometime in the past.
  2. that the island would need a name.

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