The Castaways of the Mysterious Island

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4422

Even as Fred was playing with Horace on one side of the 'L' shaped island, a lifeboat full of castaways from a tourist vessel washed up on the other side of the island.

"Oh Hubbie," cried an older woman. "This is Awwwwwwwwful."

"Indeed Mummie," answered her husband. "When we get back to Kilfast I will complain to the management."

"Shut up!" growled the overwieght man with a sailor suit. "I told you on the deck as they put us on the boat, I told you on the boat as we drifted towards this island, and I'm telling you here on this island: we are CASTAWAYS and unless Mighty Dion sends down Mercurio with his winged sandals, we aren't going back to Kilfast!"

The older couple stared at the sailorman as if they didn't understand. As did the hairdresser, the three busboys, five dropkickers, seven cheerleaders, and the skinny boy with freckles.

"Its no use," said the distinguished looking man wearing a toga.

"I guess you're right, Professor," said the sailorman. "Now I can understand the Captain getting rid of these folks, I mean, they are useless. Who ever heard of leading cheers for the gladiator games? or kicking a pig over a 'T' shaped pole? or, worst of all, making contracted bets that a house won't catch fire???"

"Yes, I must confess, that business with the Thurston's - what did they call that betting?"

"We call it "Insurance'!" called out Sir Thurston.

"Right," mumbled the sailorman, "and I call it gambling."

  1. Who are these rather ill-suited tourists? and what shall become of them???
  2. Can Horace learn to train other large simian-like creatures to play fetch?
  3. Where is Kilfast? and how did it get its name?

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