The Cartoon Convention! Second and final stop is "CIRCUS OF HORRORS"

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 44130

Probably the most interesting event in this rather . . . lame short Superfriends episode was when two of the most powerful members of the Justice League got zapped:

http://stonegate. /S/Super_Friends /1- Wonder_Woman_into_ Zebra_and_Superman _into_Lion. jpg

Otherwise, there isn't much to it. However, if you're interested a summary of sorts can be obtained here:

http://quicksitebuilder /willsultimatesuper friendsepisode guide/id14. html

Heaven only knows why Scott would be interested in…

Oh, nevermind. Guess it’s just a matter of personal taste. That or the pickings for TV shows had been REALLY slim back in Room One of Addventure Game 3 reality/non-reality.

Whatever the case and however the show went, what happens soon upon Scott’s arrival is nothing short of a total bloodbath!!

Well. . . . it would if the weapon that Scott used had been a more traditional weapon. The final results are . . . . striking. One could say that in a way the victims of that transmutation ray are as good as dead, sentient beings reduced to the level of mere animals with no way of restoration . . . .

Seems that this Author Scott Chen method of operation gets more and more violent as time goes on, eh? Cannot be due to epileptic seizures we’d seen various Scott Chens suffer from time to time back in Game 3, epilepsy just doesn’t do that to those who it afflicts. No, but perhaps then again what it appears to be is a symptom to some deeper problems from replication (lots of duplicate Scott Chens back at Game 3….long story). Oh perhaps it’s just that . . . this particular Scott Chen is a jerk….

Yeah, this Scott is a jerk. A homicidal jerk at that!

It started off with this particular Scott again opening up the act with the slaying of a Wonder Twin, this time Jayna. Snaps her neck while she’s still in that trance the evil head honcho circus animal, the tiger, had put upon her and her twin brother. From there it had been a matter of "point and click" and POOF, instant non-sentient animal (even with the evil circus animals . . . back into the drink they go). Only ones who are NOT reduced to simple animals, ironically, are the ones who'd been transformed into animals in the first place by the "animalizer" the circus animals had used. Yep, both "Super Lion" and "Wonder Zebra" were still amongst the sentient. However, a wild stray shots from that same "animalizer" (a kissing cousin of the "transmutation ray") , on ultra high setting, had hit them both (knocking them both out cold of action AND making reversal impossible).

Go figure.

The effect also had other implications upon "Super Lion" and "Wonder Zebra" (two entities with no knowledge of their lives before now). Implications like this, they no longer had access to their superpowers. Transformation had been too radical. Instead, they'd become something . . . . else. As it stands, Scott recognizes them to be some kind of species simlar to lycanthropes, but different.

He'd heard them called "manimals". (http://stonegate. viewArt.php ?artid=68 and http://stonegate viewArt.php?artid =69 for Super Lion) Why that outcome instead of something else? What are the odds?...

That's how life works around Scott Chen, sometimes. Chaos energy has weird effects on probability, let's just leave at that!

No longer super heroes, they still suited (because of their regenerative abilities and such) Scott's needs...

Rolling his arm to work out a kink, Scott then leans over and places the Components within the still disoriented Manimals. That done, he send them on their way, pausing only long enough to acknowledge the presence of some visitors who'd come running, alerted to some kind of "war zone".

  1. "Bye Bruce!" Scott smiles, fading out as Batman stares at him.
  2. To the rest of this Cartoon Convention . . .

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