The Tail of Frederigo D'Honaire: As the Fur Flys Book 2

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4344

Catching up on things Okay, we'll not rehash what has gone on in the thread of "Fred the Manfox." However, here's a recap of what's happened in other threads.....then we'll go and bring you up to speed to what's happening where I left off in the other summary.....

I use the analog's nicknames to avoid confusion.....

Alternate Manimal Universe

Dragon Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He fails and is sent to the dragon Moreau's island where he is transformed into a ManFox. He meets the dragon Malachi (later to be known as Malachi D'Honaire) and they fall in love. He turns her into a shefox. They save the Pack from certain death and are then zapped to a parallel Moreau's Island (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe 1

Fred 1 goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra 1 are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra 1 and turns her into a demifox. Fred 1 goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred 1 & Astra 1 go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. In Walants they are put in jail. Their greedy lawyer Rift frees them so that they can lead him to the dead dragon's treasure. Fred 1& Astra 1 get zapped to Atlantis (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe 2

Fred 2 goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra 2 and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred 2& Astra 2 go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. Fred 2, Astra 2 and WereBear Synizn (soon to be Dragon Synizn) get zapped to Atlantis (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe 3

Fred 3 goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra 3 are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra 3 and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred 3 & Astra 3 go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. Their WereBear Synizn (soon to be Demifox Synizn) cures them and sends them to Aqualaria where they get married and have 7 babies (not in that order). Later, Synizn (now a demifox) visits them and asks for their help to destroy the Crystallic. They go to Normady and meet up with the dragon Sigin. Fred 3, Astra 3, DemiFox Synizn & Dragon Sigin get zapped to Atlantis Manimal Universe) .

Alternate Walants Universe 4

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred & Astra go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. WereBear Synizn cures them and sends them to Aqualaria where they get married and have 7 babies. Later, Synizn (now a demifox) visits them and asks for their help to destroy the Crystallic. They go to Normady and meet up with the dragon Sigin. Dragoness Moreau somehow manages to drag Fred and Synizn (now a demifox) to the lost city of Atlantis, defeat them in battle, and leave them for bait for when Astra, Sigin, and the 7 infants come along finally. The other adventurers do come along, and the trap is sprung. Sigin, Fred, Astra, and the 7 infants are transformed into demifoxes. Moreau removes some magical alterations that Synizn had put on himself to prevent him from falling to his demifox nature when he smells a vixen (mundane or other wise) in heat. The dragoness then puts the still logy demifoxes in the presence of mundane foxes. The demifox females are in heat, as well as the mundane vixens. What happens next is....nature taking her course. 50 days later, well past the two week deadline to reverse the curse, the demifoxes regain themselves and find that they now have MORE infants to worry about. Bad enough, and doubly so because it appears that there is nothing that they can do about it (no revenge on Dragoness Moreau, because she swiped the Crystallic.....the only means of getting off this island that they now are on). However, Moreau got defeated by a Carradene who was at wits end (lets call him Carradene 2). Carradene 2 had made arrangements to FINALLY get the Pack off the Island, only to find that Malachi was well as Minestus. Since Minestus was dead, he needed not fear retaliation from the wyrm as he defeated Moreau. The Pack stumbled across the demifoxes and were bringing them up to speed when a Crystallic thrown by a panicked mage through a interdimensinoal portal lands at their feet. Sigin Vulpine, Rosepaw, their 12 kits and Carradene are zapped to a parallel Moreau's Island (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe (??)

After Malachi and Minestus have killed each other and Fred & Astra travel to Walants, Fred's King discovers the destruction of the Southern Caves and comes to believe that Fred is dead. Fred's father, Duke Dred, thinks otherwise. He goes to the Southern Caves in search of clues to his son's whereabouts and is zapped to Atlantis (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Vampire Universe

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. Instead, he is killed and resurrected as a vampire. His vampire master has captured three women for Fred to feed on; Astra, Andrea and Alicia (call her Alicia 2). Andrea is the one who gets away. Alicia 2 and Astra's unwilling blood donation is interrupted before the point where the transfer of blood between vampire and victim would change victim into vampire. The victims are still alive--albeit a few quarts low and BARELY conscious--as the AI Inquirer begins to try to fight it out. Both Astra and Alicia 2 are rescued from becoming vampires, but when they get zapped to the Manimal Universe Astra dies from the Phage due to something that she doesn't have in her immune system (something genetic). The Vampires are dead and dust, BTW (but you already knew that about this thread).


Atlantis Thread (Main Thread)

The dragon Minestus is finally killed. ManFox Fred, SheFox Alicia, Astra, Willian & ManBear Synizn join forces with :: Fred 1 & Astra 1 * Fred 2, Astra 2 & WereBear Synizn * Fred 3, Astra 3, DemiFox Synizn & Dragon Sigin * Duke Dred. Along with the AI Probe they all go back to the city of Panaras. WereBear Synizn is restored to his true dragon form and becomes Dragon Synizn. The demifox Freds and Astras are all restored to their true human shape. They discover that the world is going to be destroyed unless a way is found to shut down the slipgates. The big group then splits up and heads out to various destinations.

Dred, Fred 1, Fred 2 & Astra 2 go to Walants to help the Phage victims.

Probe, Astra 3, Fred 3, Dragon Synizn, Dragon Sigin, and the 7 infants of Fred 3 and Astra 3 go to Dr.Vincent's Tower to seek his help in fighting the Phage.

Astra, Will and Astra 1 go to Aqualaria (Astra 1 will be stopping at an island in the possession of Aqaularia before going to Normandy Island.....).

Meanwhile, at Dr.Vincent's Tower the ghost of Dr.Vincent casts a spell which pulls a whole bunch of the cast of characters down into his dungeon.

These are the people who get dragged into that dungeon. Many of them were either looking in on the events happening around the tower either by magical or scientific means. Since the Dr. Vincent dabble in the combined forces of magic and science, it was such a way that he was able to "get the jump" on so many powerful characters..... Now, the list of unwilling guests:

This reality's Malachi. Since she is now anchored magically to Ethiopia, and cannot leave its borders, once the teleportation "rope" was reeled in, when Malachi came to a halt at the border the tower was compelled to come to her.

Fred 3, Astra 3, their seven babies, Dragons Sigin and Synizn, Demifox Synizn and Probe.

Manbear Synizn, who had been interested in observing what his analogues were up to.

Dragon Fred, Malachi D'Honaire, Alicia 2 and Inquirer. Malachi is currently in human form.

Carradene 2, Rosepaw, Sigin Vulpine and Rosepaw and Sigin's twelve cubs. The cubs were too young to take much notice of what their parents had been observing, but had been close enough to their parents to get dragged in with them anyway.

Probe's base unit, together with four of the mysterious operatives known within the Alliance military as "Phantoms". The Phantoms had been tapping into Probe's base unit in order to spy on him, and had hence been sucked in. Three of the four were now black and very dead, thanks to the near instantaneous effect of the phage on most humans. The other was immune, probably totally but possibly only to the extent that he would die in a few days time.

Inquirer's base unit, together with three of the Enemy. They had been trying to dredge something out of the fried circuitry of the base unit, but it had been a hopeless task. The phage would kill them too, but it would be a slow death. They had been on the Phantoms' ship, thanks to their covert alliance with them. Getting bored with their task, they had looked across to where the Phantoms were looking at their feed from Probe, and so had got sucked in, together with the base unit they had been working on.


Moreau's Island Thread

The Manfox Fred and Shefox Malachi (the alternate ones) use the Crystallic to change themselves into dragons and then join forces with Sigin Vulpine, Rosepaw and Carradene 2. The group then commandeers an Alliance shuttle where they meet up with Inquirer and Alicia 2. They inadvertently had saved Inquirer from the Phantoms, when the opteratives sent a malicious program through her communications that caused her to writhe about in extreme pain. The operatives would have come down, via Avatar, and finished her and Alicia to suppress any cure that the dead Astra's body could have yielded (a DNA cross examination could reveal a method to a cure....) Inquirer's mind got sucked into a gem, which did two things. It totally fried her original computer mind back in outer space, and also made her join the ranks of the magical creatures known as golems. Her mind now controls the female Avatar that she had been controlling before, and since she can't break contact with gem and Avatar, she's pretty much stuck with her new body. As such, she can't go out and animate a new body. They then get zapped to Dr.Vincent's Tower and into his dungeon.


The Combined Main Thread

Inside the Tower were collected:

(From the Manimal Universe)

Dr.Vincent (ghost)

Dragon Malachi Dronicis, Queen Regent of Ethiopia

ManBear Synizn

(From Manimal Universe 2)

Dragon Fred

Dragon Malachi D'Honaire

(From Walants Universe 2)

Dragon Synizn

(From Walants Universe 3)

Fred 3

Astra 3

Fred & Astra's 7 babies

DemiFox Synizn

Dragon Sigin

Dr.Vincent (living)

(From Walants Universe 4)

Carradene 2

Sigin Vulpine


Sigin & Rosepaw's 12 kits

(From Vampire Universe)

Alicia 2

(From Alliance Universe)



a Phantom intelligence officer

(From Lizard Empire Universe)

3 Lizard soldiers

The ghost Dr.Vincent reads his captives' minds (in the process, the living Dr.Vincent learns everything his ghost counterpart does) and then the ghost tries to possess the body of the AI Inquirer. He is repulsed and flees to his dead body which is hidden in the Tower. Inquirer read the ghost's mind during the aborted possession and both she and the living Dr.Vincent have discovered some unsettling secrets.

Some of the Alliance Phantom operatives are allied with the Lizard Empire. (To do what?)

The Phantom operatives are an example of "good cop turning bad." Basically, the operatives had been bought off by the Lizards. Thus, the Lizard soldiers were able to get so close to Terra while it was guarded by the Military. If any Military official came aboard, they'd find the Lizards in holding cells awaiting interrogation and eventual liquidation according to the subverted Phantom operatives. The operatives don't feel bad about betraying the Military, for THEY know that as soon as the planet is secured by the Military, and the Military uses the Tiberium to batter the Enemy into oblivion.....that the Military will turn it's eyes upon Home and try to "set things right." The Company had been preparing for that day, but with the wildcard that Terra represents, it threw everything into disarray. The Company had even LESS time now than they'd thought they'd had. The operatives were just doing what they felt was right, and making a quick credit or three on the side.

If the Lizard Empire can't have the world, they will blow it up.

But first they must deal with the ghost of Dr.Vincent. He hasn't been defeated but will return soon. So they decided to blow up the Tower, thus incinerating his remains and sending him off to the great beyond. However, there might be a chance that the ghost somehow was able to recover before the destruction of his Tower and teleport his body elsewhere, out of harms way (Author note: that's EXACTLY what he did, and now vows vengeance for the destruction of his lovely Tower). In case the ghost's body remained intact, the Regent of Ethiopia is in the process of contacting an old friend, one Belboz the necromancer (not evil as his other counterparts from other realities....surprisingly). A necromancer should be able to more easily ascertain the status of the ghost of Dr. Vincent, hopefully.

While they await the return of the ghostly necromancer, the dragons and the other magic users are busily using the combined might of five Crystallics to heal the wounds the Lizards have inflicted on Terra. They remove the radioactive scars left upon the land, replace the vegetation that had been burned away. They also heal the people who were suffering from radiation sickness. At last, exhausted, the adventurers in Ethiopia are relaxing around the diner table, congratulating themselves on a job well done.

They aren't so happy when they find out that something is afoot in other parts of the world.

Down in Panaras, the Pack is happy that they had finally been able to get their ambassador, Astra 1, off so she could finally do what she'd been hired to do, when the news that Manbear Synizn was missing puts them into a tizzy. They finally find out, after a few hours of searching, that the Manbear got sucked into the dungeon's of the ghostly Dr. Vincent, but was alive and well. Still, their was a sense of tension in the air. They found out what was wrong in a bit.

Now, there is one other faction arrayed against a cure for the Phage. There is the Enemy, who doesn't want the Alliance to have Terra for obvious reasons. However. there are also factions within the Company who have enough forward vision to see what will come of the defeat of the Enemy so soon! They had been stockpiling resources for the upcoming war between Company and Military in the hopes that enough of a show of force could casuse the Military to perhaps await and see if this faction could actually carry our it's plans of reform so a Civil War wouldn't be necessary.

"Civil war?" you ask? Well, let's just say that the Company hasn't been doing a too good of job at governing (in fact....did a piss poor job of it). Home has become something out of a Bladerunner novel, and the Military isn't too happy about this. The Military has said on occasion that the Company needs to clean up it's act, but to no avail. Now, if the Alliance/Enemy war ends soon (and with the Tiberium of'll happen), the Military will turn it's eyes on the Company and wrest control from it. The resulting Civil War will kill a lot of people, and that's what Seeker's faction is hoping to avoid.

Seeker has taken on the appearance of the Oracle, a revered prophetess from the land of Aqualaria. The AI murdered the original so that he could fashion a body that mimicked the old lady, then he set off so that he could gain the trust of either Astra or Astra 2 so as to latter make it easier for him to get close and kidnap them....and use them as a bargaining chip. The AI would demand the Crystallics for the Astras. In doing so, the AI hoped that the loss of the Crystallics would stop any hope of a cure for the Phage. Well, it worked with Astra 2. Seeker found that the defense forces surrounding Astra didn't make him confident that kidnapping her was feasible......

However, with the fallout of the betrayal of the Phantoms became known, it caused the shadowy allies of Seeker to panic, and thus set the AI off to hurry up his time table. Seeker tried to capture Astra 1 (who'd renamed herself Para-Astra in relation to the "revelation" the Oracle had revealed to her), but was having no luck. The sleep gas grenade had gone off, but Fred 2 and Astra 2 had enough wit to cover their mouths and get away from the AI when it had tried to collect.....

The short of it right now is that a suspicious Astra has discovered the deception, and she and Will have contacted Fred the Manfox for aid. Fred has contacted Malachi Dronocis for a magical lift to Walants to protect Astra 2. The dragoness gave 2 Crystallics to Inquirer (who was now a mage from the knowledge she'd gotten from the ghost Dr. Vincent's failed attempt to displace her from her gem), and the group of manimals (Fred, Alicia the Shefox, and Loam)....along with Probe and Inquirer appeared in the midst of Walants, and quickly tracked down Astra 2 (through the sound of battle between her and Fred 2 against Seeker).

Oh, before I finish here, Astra 2 has discovered that she's in love with Fred 2. Fred 2 was more than willing to sacrifice his life so that Astra 2 could escape Seeker. This touched Astra 2 to the core, and the Amazon warrior found that she was now in love with Fred 2.

That's a bare basic account of what has far.

  1. Tisbitt closes his ghostly books with a smirk, and then blinks at what Ajax says next......

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