
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 43432


I never get an answer to my question, as that's when Synizn 2, who is piloting - if that's the right word - our carpet, suddenly swears very loudly. At, least, from the force with which he says "Frell!" I'm guessing that it's a swear word, even though it's one that I've never heard before. I must ask him sometime where the word comes from, since apart from that one word my rescuers seem to speak exactly the same language as I do. But now is definitely not the right time to ask.

Looking ahead, I can see the reason for his swearing. It seems that Stryke has managed to recruit - or, knowing him, more likely coerce - a tribe of gryphons as mounts for some of his hunters. [42699] Though we've been as stealthy as possible, whether through luck or by some skilful magic a group of six of them have found us and are rapidly closing in.

Our carpets have the edge in maneouvrability, but since the gryphons are faster we can't outrun them, so we go into a dive. We don't yet know if any of the hunters are magic users or whether they will have to rely on bows and spears, but either way we are too exposed in the air and in combat will be better off on the ground.

"This could be nasty," Synizn 2 says. "We will need all the help we can get, Praxithea, so please feel free to add your own spells to mine and Exotica's if you get the opportunity."

  1. Even before we can reach the ground, battle commences.

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