Up all Knights!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42983

Joan 2

Do hope that our hunters have the good taste in not stumbling over our hidden camp whilst we try to recuperate from our flight, though.


While I might LOOK like a character out of the Arabian Knights tales (especially when I put on my favorite dancing outfit), I do dearly wish that we didn't have to ride on these flying carpets!

Try to think of a you developing a severe case of "economy class seat" cramps, you readers out there who are familiar with 20th century airline planes, to get the BEGINNING of what I'm feeling right now.

Stiff and sore only begins to . . .


Hm, well at least our littlest passenger (the little girl infant formerly named Belboz) is asleep. She's rather cute, but . . .

I really don't have a burning desire to adopt her, thanks.

Children I'll love having someday, but right now? Especially one with a history like this one, no thanks! Too many bad memories I have of her when she'd been that . . .

. . .

Still, she's cute. . . .

. . . .

Anyway, didn't mind too much in volunteering myself to the mages in them magically making my breasts to produce milk. I was the most likely . . . er . . . candidate, given everything else.

Rather liked it, actually and....

Still, rather like Cuthbert with....

Oh, drop it JOAN!!

Yeah, anyway, I just DO hope that the enemy has the good taste to....


Of course, later that very night we'll all find out that they don't....

Of all of this group, all which are well versed in woodcraft, it is the elves who stumble across the crawling hunters before they can sneak into the camp.

And I mean "crawling". Goodness knows what kind of creatures these things really are, but human they're not!

Die soon enough, but it's pretty clear to those Champions afterwards (even despite the crying of the frighten infant, awoken to the sounds of battle) that there shall be no rest tonight. Tonight or any night.

"So, do we try flying at night?" Cuthbert grumps, looking over at the others. "I'd been led to believe that's not exactly a good thing. We're already sore enough as it is from the trip so far, you know."

Not to mention it was going to be rather impossible to get any decent rest for the adults....

There is, of course, a solution to that problem. The need for rest and the discomforts. Yes, we speak of magic, but....

"Do we have to?" Fertal whispers to his mate after the others grumble, bowing to the need. "I mean . . ."

Arizza's not to keen on the idea herself. While her experience with magicks, when human, was limited (magic use not being the normal calling for a warrior princess), she'd tasted such potions in the past due to . . . injuries.

So had Fertal, back when he'd been named Fred.

Poweful stuff, this particular brand of healing potions that the demifoxes had in their possession. Able to heal grievous wounds as well as push back the demands of the body for it's need to sleep, but....

"So, what's so bad about this drink?" Cuthbert (who's never tasted) asks, wondering why the others are so glum. "I mean, it shall do what we . . . "

He pauses to take a deep drink, as what is demanded for it to work.

He then gags over the taste, trying to spit it out (but finding it's already evaporated into his body).

"By my father's bloody face!" he swears, wiping at his tongue. "Synizn! Did this stuff go bad?! It taste . . . horriblely bitter!"

Understatement of the century.

"No, that's a fresh batch," Fertal sighs. "It's powerful medicine and it works. However it is VERY bitter medicine!"

All the more so for elves, with their enhanced senses (which includes taste). Oi!

That and it leaves a bitter aftertaste in ones mouth that lasts for a LONG time. Ask one guy named John Crichton who'd been force fed it (re: 21937). It'll linger for one month! And being that the mages came prepared, there are several good doses of this stuff, so...


Well, at least it'll keep the knights (and others) up all night as they fly...


Stryke is not a happy at ALL with recent events. His Masters will NOT like to learn of his loss, if they visit him soon enough here....

So when he learns of the latest news...

  1. "What do you mean you lost track of the hunters?" he asks the sweating lackey softly.

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