Plans that failed...sorta

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42954

The gray ones are talking about what went wrong. This and that. Planning, even. . .

But first, let's back up a little here...


When we pullled Nerri's pod close to the TARDIS by "tractor beam" and boarded it, we rather took Nerri by surprise, let us just say! Frell, did WE surprise him!

He'd been feverishly trying to repair the damage done to propulsion, on a vain hope that the blast that crippled it hadn't done a good enough job. That the pod could be resurrected.

Believe me, judging from what I saw of the pod OUTSIDE there wasn't a hope in Hezmanna in Nerri here getting propulsion back. But of course he couldn't have gone outside to see the extent, you know! See, being that there was the fact that Nerri here had been nearly naked (stripped almost bare by the Sheyang to prevent him hiding something useful to escape with, especially a spacesuit) prevented him from even THINKING about going outside. Then there was the fact that the same blast that had nearly crisped the pod had charred the windows so nothing was viewable outside.

Of course that also meant we couldn't see in and honestly . . . maybe we shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.

See, sis had sworn UP and DOWN that there was no WAY that anyone from Moya who could have made it into this pod. Nobody! She'd seen with her own, frantic eyes as she'd fled the disaster in the Maintenance Bay almost EVERYONE struck down by Sheyang fireballs.

A real bad way to die, that....

Oh, yes. Yes, she DID run across John Crichton inside further into the burning Moya, but . . . . That hardly meant that the native Crichton somehow got INTO this drifting pod, you know. Yes, after the Crichton from Season 4 (his mind or spirit, I guess) got swept back to that Nexus place, the native Crichton probably got back in control of his body. Guessing, that. But whatever the case, the guy had disappeared from my sister's sight (right out from under her, really).

Being that Moya's a hulk now means....

He's dead.

We'd arrived some time after my sister had gotten swept up into things, so that's . . . that.

Yeah, we'd been sure that it was a Sheyang in here. Couldn't have been anything or anyone else. Ddin't even BOTHER to check out what was inside by sensors, so convinced was Aeryn-Pip and so convincing was she...

We should have.

We . . .we didn't use lethal force, no. That would have ruined the little demifox's Quest (and pretty much put to paid this adventure)! However, w-we'd been (some of the more . . . violence prone amongst us) been rather wound up by what we'd seen, the dead hulk of Moya.

Spun up over what would have been a classic victory tale turn to ash. Crichton's plan, now that Aeryn-Pip had seen what had caused things to frell up, had said as much. It hadn't been the Sheyang who'd fired on Moya, causing all hezmanna to break loose (each side thinking the other had betrayed them). No, it had been a damn Pathfinder vessel who'd...

Why is it that Crichton (whichever one you talk about) always has the weirdest (and sometimes worst) run of luck? I mean, what are the frellin' odds that the Pathfinders would have....


Yeah, it had almost worked...


So, in a rather bad mood (those of us who don't mind violence, especially when it's called for) we'd followed a suggestion that Walker put forward.

Seems that she'd come prepared. Had all sorts of little toys, "dearie". Some being "stun" grenades, sorta based upon phasors (on heavy stun). Gauranteed to bring down even Sheyang, she'd been sure. Or if not, guaranteed to disorient the bastard long enough that other means would be used....

So imagine Aeryn-Pip's shock as the pod's door opened and the-the grenade hit Nerri (who'd just got back from doing what he'd been trying to do with the pod's engines) square in the chest!

Flash! And down he goes, gaping at both ME and my sister (his sister).

Needless to say, we . . ..


Sis nearly lost it, then and there. Had known she'd been bottling it up, keeping her feelings bottled up. Under control, until later when she was alone (or at least with me) she could . . .

She wasn't expecting Nerri. Frell, I and the others weren't expecting him!

Short of it, we have A lot of stuff to sort out! Being that my sis is almost a emotional basket case by then, Inquirer suggested strongly that (after making sure that Nerri was only unconscious, unharmed) kin meet alone, to at least get things started in sorting out! Let . . . kin . . .

Yeah, let Nerri and my sister greet each other. Welcome each other. That sort of stuff. But . . . I got almost ORDERED by my sister to come along, even though this Nerri isn't "my" Nerri.

But he feels like he IS! I'd already decided, in a flash, that he was. Mistaken him for a flash mico....second that somehow MY Nerri had gotten swept up into things (instead of still being back on "my" Nebari Prime, doing his part in getting things back together after the Company had somehow caused the Establishment to collapse).


Later, I'll learn the feelings I feel are akin to the doppleganger effect I had with Aeryn-Pip. But instead of it being unconsious, out of my hands, it's a conscious choice. Or like that. I'd decided (in effect) that this Nerri was MY Nerri, and...

Bottom line, this magick dren is frellin' WEIRD!!

Bottom line, I have a new brother.

Where he's going to be going AFTER this Quest business isn't known to me, yet. The Doctor was on the case, seeing if somehow . . .

Oh, later!

  1. Nerri's coming around!

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