Heard of the Delvian "Fourth Sensation"? Well, Here's the FIFTH Sensation!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42568


"Uh, sure I've got a . . . microt," Diane Walker begins.


You know, I had actually been expecting a real drag out, down and nasty tralk fight back there. Had looked forward to it, really. Would have been fun to watch, but the way this Walker nixa handled herself. Drad!

Think I'm going to like this nixa. She's got . . . something. A fire to her...

That and from what Betty and Ragan tell me, she's pretty good at helping people deal with their problems. A medic of the mind, sorta.

Have a few like that back in the Uncharted, but I'd never....


Bottom line here is that maybe a person like her could help me and my sister here understand something that our sisters have chosen. No, I'm not talking about their marriages. I . . .sorta understand that. But that's not important. It's about this body switching dren! I don't understand why . . . . they've chosen to . . .

Not seek the treatment that would eventually cure their body switching! I mean after all they (my sisters and their D'Argos) had opted on returning back to their home realities so that was okay! They didn't even NEED to seek out any Delvian mystics to help cure their condition. We have Zhaan here, remember? Just let her perform one of her ceremonies, say a few prayers, and...

My sister's Crichton (the one from the "First Season") and his wives are clamoring for it, but my sisters? For it to work for all it had to be done together. Zhaan couldn't do it a second time....

But they don't want to . . . Yet, at least. The D'Argos look like they'd like to, but . . .something about the switch kinda. . .

Uh, my sisters kinda . . .

Liked . . . it?

I mean if it were me . . .I mean they're me but . . .


I'm confused.

So's my sis.

And then there is gotta be sometime here REAL soon I...



Keep it zipped up, Chiana! . . .I mean . . .Aeryn-Pip (that's my name now).


Soon, but not yet. Not ready . . . yet. . .

I stutter out what's bothering me about it.

Am beginning to think I'm wasting my time as Walker is mulling it over when she holds up a hand and tells me to wait right here.


She returns and holy FRELL! She's got an answer! Or rather something that she first either said/asked Zhaan and then went over to discuss with my sisters and their D'Argos! Something that seems to have-have changed their minds!

"What the frell did you say to them to do that?!" I blink as my body swapping sisters and their husbands almost bound out the door as Zhaan gathers up her gear (supposedly to prepare for the ceremony that'll be happening somewhere else on the station, somewhere secluded)..

"Oh, kinda cheated, dearie!" she smiles. "I kind of know about you and your friends through the tele."


Is there any humans out there who don't know about my life? I know that that's not the case, but....

"It seems that things hold true," Walker continues. "Meanin' I know about how for you and your sister here . . . your departing sisters likes having 'fun', right?"

Slowly, I nod (and note that my sister is also nodding).

"Well, to get to your question you've gotta remember something," she continues. "They were wedded by a Delvian priestess. All involved were part of some kind of modified 'Unity' deal, also a mystical Delvian practice. And sometimes according to Zhaan, her goddess gifts those who've both had Delvian weddings AND that modified Unity thingie with something called the Fifth sensation. Sorta like a new an' improved version of the blooming fourth....and you have no blooming idea what that is, do ya?"

"That's something I . . . never talked with Zhaan," I admit, looking over at my sister, who shrugs. She's no idea what these sensations are, either.

When Walker explains....

"Oh, that-that's what it is," I manage, blinking.



"Your sisters who've left had thought it would be lost once the body switchin' was fixed," Walker smiled slightly. "Wrong, of course. The linked nervous systems and stuff stays. Just the spirits stay where they should as well, instead of jumpin' all over the place when they shouldna. Your sisters . . . "

She . . . Hm, now that she explains I understand exactly why my...they....


Heh, speaking of "frellling", that's should be a real drad....


Anyway, Walker goes onto say that she might have been able to figure that out without "cheating", but it would have taken a bit longer.

"Ten minutes, top dearie." she smiles.

And with that, she goes over to see how the mages are going. So far, so good from the looks of it. Believe that my love had said that the magicks that had been done to John had been fading anyway, making the task of safely removing them merely difficult instead of frelling impossible.

Meanwhile, over in another corner where Crais has called Betty and Ragan over to the side about something....


"You all actually talked about that?" I sigh, looking aggrieved.

"Well, with you all having been gone so long it was bound to happen sooner or later," Crais says, sighing a little.

"So you know what happened to your analog and 'his' Talyn on the Command Carrier," Betty sighs. "Knows that they Starburst within the ship, destroying themselves in order to win against Scorpius. What else?"

  1. "That I have absolutely no chance with Aeryn Sun," Crais says, frowning slightly. "She and Crichton...."

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