Taka argues with Saint Peter

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41734

"hey! this isn't fair" Taka shouts "I don't want to go to Hell wasn't that bad." "That bad!" snorts Saint Peter "all your life you murdered and stole" "It is the trade in which I was raised and someone had to do it right?" replies Taka "Wrong, go to Hell or I call for some demons to drag you there." warns Saint Peter "But I honored every contract given to me. besides all people I killed did something to deserve it. And I stole for others for a small cut of course." say taka "Srely you did." douftfully says Saint Peter "surely the good King didn't deserve to die." "Yes he did" sadi Taka " He..uh" wakes over to Saint Peter and whispers in his ear the ded "No he didn't if he did it would be here, hmmm seems a entry has been blacked out in ink in his record.If this so He should been sent to Hell." "See I told you. Please let me into purgatory" Saint Peter..

  1. notices ink on Taka's hands and the records ink is still wet "You forged this, still sinning at your judgement, have you no fear."
  2. uncovers the smear to reveal the entry "Ahh He did ! well I have to recall him from heaven. not for you."
  3. Tires of Taka and shouts "Youre tiring me out,Demons come get your sinner"
  4. says " no matter what he did, with your sins your still going to hell "
  5. says "okay one more chance,but this is your last. chance. It won't be easy in puratory for you. If you don't make it is right to Hell"

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