Belboz is Content

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41565

It seemed to Belboz that everything was going very smoothly. The discovery that Checkers had found the medallion had worried him at first, but he felt that he had been able to turn it to his advantage without raising any suspicion from Checkers herself or from Fred.

Getting the additional horses would keep Fred and Alric away for several days more than the three days grace that he had given Astra to get the information out of Checkers that he wanted. After the Glider's incautious remark following his tossing her the medallion, though, that seemed less important than before, for he was now reasonably sure how Checkers had accidentally caused the two unexpected magical changes that had occurred. She had read at least one Old High Dolomite "poem" from his spellbook, with the result that Astra had been freed from her bonds. Later on, when the Glider had encountered the dragon, she had started to sing another piece from the spellbook, which she had evidently memorised, which was in the same tongue. Before she had finished it, she had switched to a song in modern Dolomite, but she might have already sung enough to trigger a spell.

Belboz contemplated casting a spell on Checkers to ensure that she could not inadvertantly unleash any more magic. His first thought was to give her what would appear to be an extreme case of laryngitis, so that she would be unable to speak. But if he did that, then Astra would not be able to get anything out of her. Taking away her knowledge of Old High Dolomite - at least temporarily - was another possibility, but such a precise spell would require a lot of work to cast correctly. Also Checkers might be aware that her memory had been tampered with, which he would not want, at least until Fred was safely out of the way.

Eventually he decided to do nothing for now, changed into his dragon form, and had a good night's sleep.

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  2. During the night...

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