They do not have time to worry

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41494

One by one, the stalls explode. "Come with us, little girl!" Fred yells and grabs hold of her...but his hands go right through her. "What the-" Fred and his companians stare at her in horror. Soon, the walls start to explode. It causes a blast which send the three to the ground. Fred is in no pain, but he can't get up. Some force is holding him to the ground. Suddenly he starts hearing voices. People yelling for help, screaming, crying, praying. He could hear the sound of a dragon roar in the background. It started to go dark. Before he knew it, he was out cold.

  1. When Fred wakes up, he is in the market place, now rebuilt and full of life
  2. Fred wakes up in a seemingly endless grassy meadow, surrounded by dozens of children
  3. He wakes up to find it was all just a dream

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