Fred Dodges

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 40447

Belboz the Necromancer waves his boney fingers at Fred and casts his sobriety spell.


Fred sees the old man begin the incantation and tries to dodge the spell. However, in his drunken stupor, Fred trips on a crumpled beer can and falls flat on his face, which is as good as a dodge.


With Fred on the floor, Belboz's spell goes wild. It hits a mirror that was directly behind Fred and is reflected straight back to Belboz.


Aiieeeeeeee! yells Belboz as the lightening bolt of a spell hits him directly in the eyes. I'm blinded! I've zapped my own eyeballs out! Oh, help me Lord Fred, for I cannot see.

  1. Fred gets up to help the now blinded Belboz
  2. Fred is passed out on the floor and just snores like an idiot
  3. Fred returns to his quest and leaves the blinded Belboz behind
  4. Fred gets up and flips through Belboz's spell book in an effort to find a spell that will restore sight

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