
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4028

"I SEE IT!!" the dwarf screams, beard thrashing about as the burly dwarf throughs back his voice to bellow at the rafters. "I see it! TIMETWIST!! TIMETWIST!! The DEMIFOX or demi-foxes....or were-foxes.....or fox foxes.....ANOTHER Frederigo D'Honaire and the unfortunate Astra! Like the ones of Three, but NOT! Along with another former Wiz-wyrm turned fox/human! Sigin!! And....a whole buncha little foxies!!"

The frenzied dwarf leaps from his seat (which head been standing on), takes his war ax, and smashes the doorknob of the door leading to the Library. A startled group of demifoxes look up in surprise. The adventurers recognize them, the Freds and Para-Astra ESPECIALLY!! It was....them, but with a "whole buncha" demifox kits whining and nuzzling the suddenly hostile mundane foxes. The ordinary foxes snarl at the wild eyed dwarf.

Tarin pulls back his ax to attack, only to find it caught within the steely grip of Probe's hand. The dwarf gives no notice, for he's in his own little world at the moment!

"MURDERERS!!" Tarin-Gazin shouts. "I'll see you in Hell for......"

The dwarf suddenly turns pale, as he Sees something else!

"What in the name of the Forge are you DOING!?" the dwarf screams, not listening to the shouted inquires and shaking of several fed up AIs. "By all that's HOLY! What are you doing invoking Turoc-Kith, the black mage?! Are you MAD? And what in the name of the dwarven gods do you think that a forced CONTRACT will keep YOUR Rifts and that other lawyer in line?!"

"I was just a foolish as you," the dwarf says quietly to nobody in particular. "I did the same thing, and earned a knife in the back for it! Only the quick actions of my FRIEND Rifts saved me from bleeding to death! NO I'm NOT a FOOL! YOU ARE!!"

"I'm no longer a fool nor mad," Tarin said smugly, talking to somebody not there. "By the Forge I swore NEVER to invoke that damn mage again.....nor use those same damnfool tatics of forced contracts!! Not worth the paper written on is! No wonder the others killed you with the Crystallic. Rifts was DID have it coming! Oh, wrong Tarin-Gazin.....sorry!"

"Oh and tell your Rifts to stop waving around that Crystallic like he's in control!!" the hallucinating dwarf snorts. "Since those demifoxes regained their rightful form by drinking that Crystallic disguised as that bubbling ale crap, they each have a piece of the Crystallic power in it! If they have the brains of a gnat, they'll realize that soon, and see that any shape can be chosen by them now!! That and they can work and control Rift's Crystallic......if he's not careful.....not that he deserves the item!!"

"And tell him to stop dinking around with that Crystallic with Astra!" shouts Tarin at nobody. "The poor girl looks silly all black skinned like that! Damn fools going to kill her if he keeps trying to use it! Lucky that the only thing that went wrong was a change in skin color when trying to turn her hair black and all."

"It's sweet that the two now understand each other and all," whispers uncharacteristic tear in his eye.

  1. Tarin grows calm for a second, but then starts to scream again.....more visions!

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