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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 39606

"Are you still here?" the Dragon said in a surprised tone when he had finished with the numbers. "What do you want? Speak quickly!"

"Well, you see... I was actually coming to kill you," Fred answered.

The Dragon laughed. "Then why didn't you bring the Battleaxe of Tail- Chopping? That's the only thing that can kill me, you know. Oops, maybe I shouldn't've told you. Forget that I said that. Just leave, okay? I was just about to have dinner."

  1. "I will not leave until your head comes off!"
  2. "I will not leave until you help me get the Axe!"
  3. "I will not leave until you give me something to eat! I'm starving!"
  4. "Oh, I'm sorry. Good-bye."

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