Basis of punishment and experiment

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 39482

"All right," Moreau says. "I believe you. Now, about that punishment that I mentioned..."

That's about as much as the ranger leader and the creatures the other rangers had become hear before everything goes black for them.

Moreau looks down at them and then over at the hired swords, signaling for them to leave.

Shrugging and rather nervous enough as it was about this mysterious woman magic user as it stands, the hired thugs were glad enough to comply. The pay was good enough, but there was something that just chilled even these hired toughs. Just as well they leave, because the less they know about this next part the better. If they're not witnesses to whatever these female rangers become then there's less chance that they'll be joining them soon after, eh?

So, alone the dragoness changes the Aqualarian rangers into creatures that had been the model (en passant) for the one stable form of neo- lycanthropy, the demifox. As the mundane fox served (in parts) as the basis for the demifox race so long ago during their creation, so does it serve for the punishment.

The spell upon the rangers erases all knowledge of them ever having been anything than what they appear to be, but there is something about them that scares away the mundane foxes from these magical vixens. Unaware of themselves ever having been human, and Moreau leaving nothing within (literacy or ability to understand anything beyond the simple vulpine barks and yips), the vixens still have the intellect of humans. That being the case AND they feel a comradery for reasons they don't remember, they form the basis of many folk legends for years to come around the area of Walants hunting and farming community! Veritable terrors for the chicken coops and other small livestock....

Well, anyway, as the new vixens scamper away, Moreau congratulates herself on a bit of artistry. The vixens ARE rather lovely creatures, if she says so herself.

Done, she then saunters off to check for her "snitches" in Walants, in the opposite direction of the Champions, who are unaware of the ghastly business behind them.

Soon enough Moreau (who's no fool, despite many other rather noxious qualities) finds out that some strange demifoxes had been looking for an old enemy of her's, Synizn. She also learns of some other strangers who were looking for that were-bear mage, but that fact is only noted in passing for right now. Right now, she's rather ticked off that the were-bear seems to have skipped town and the demifoxes who'd gone to find him seemed to have fallen off the face of the world....

  1. Later, night falls back on the trail the Champions are on.....

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