The Survivor

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3722

The man had been impaled on a tree in a sitting position. He was ghostly white from the loss of blood.
"Tell me what happened, warrior." said Anina, kneeling down beside him.
He looked at her. "You two. I recognize you. We were supposed to...supposed to...find you. The dragon has come back in time. He's been organizing the raids of the giants. And the attacks against Aqularia. He's...using his...knowledge of the future to take power..."
"How do you know this?" said Anina. "It has not happened yet!"
"Would you believe, a Damndest thing I've ever seen. Barks yes and no and told us enough to keep the dragon from wiping us out. Still, it's been hell. The dragon keeps his paws out of events just enough so he can...can...take advantage of them. That's all what Lord Browning's note said, but the giant ate him. And the note. Heh...Favor. Do me a favor?"
"What is it?" said Anina.
"Kill me. I am in a lot of pain."
Astra looked away. The crack of his neck was extraordinarily loud.
"Let's take these men's weapons and go." said Anina.
"Go? I don't understand. Besides...I could swear the dragon was dead."
"For all we know, he might be. With time travel involved, that makes it moot. It could be a past version. Now come on. We must make double time to Aqularia and start a resistance."
"Yes! I get it! The dragon made a mistake when he brought me here. I know all that he does!"

  1. The two head for Aqualaria as fast as they could.

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