The Escape Route

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 37170

"My ancestors," said Little Mikey, "were companions of a rogue Time Lord who was falsely accused of genocide and sent here for execution. Although their friend was killed, they discovered a way to escape the Shadow Zone and reach the Tower of Rassilon. However, earlier, once passing the Transduction Barrier which separates Gallifrey from the rest of the universe, my multi-great-grandfather recieved a vision which showed him that one of his descendants would help save the universe by rescuing another falsely accused prisoner. He stored information about the route in his racial memory."

"That's all very well and good," said Mike, "but if we go to Rassilon won't he just put us back here?"

"Not necessarily," said Josh. "Maybe the fact that I'm here now will change things. I mean, this Rassilon will realize that he didn't send me here. Maybe I can persuade him that there's been some mistake."

"Sounds a bit stupid to me," said Mike, "but it's better than sitting on our arses and rotting in Hell. Let's go then."

Following the hyperintelligent btelloid rocifer, Mike and Josh headed toward a nearby cave. No demons followed them, oddly enough, although a few watched hungrily from a distance. "What exactly are those things supposed to be?" asked Mike. "I thought the Time Lords weren't the kind of people who dabbled in magic."

"I have no information on this subject," said Little Mikey as they reached the cave. Like all the caves around here, it had stalactites and stalagmites (Mike had never quite figured out which was which even after all these years) which looked exceptionally like teeth. Josh clearly wasn't pleased by this, and seemed reluctant to enter the cave, but did so once he realized that the demons were drawing back from it.

The cave mouth led into a hallway with large, imposing walls, covered with sigils which probably didn't actually mean anything but looked very scary. The wall was lined with obsidian demons on pedestals.

"This is supposed to be safe?" asked Josh, incredulously.

"They look scary, but have poor eyesight," Mikey told him. "Keep to the center, single file, and don't move too quickly."

  1. They successfully managed to get past the obsidian demons, although they now faced another challenge.
  2. One of them accidentally set off the obsidian demons.
  3. Meanwhile, in Minestus's pocket dimension...

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Knight Random (finally back to this thread now that the chess game is over :) )

12/22/2003 5:08:12 PM

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