
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36841

Over the next few minutes, Fred and Astra got steadily wetter, but were unable to think of any way of keeping dry. Then Astra pointed: "Look over there." Dimly through the rain a silvery glow was visible. It was impossible to tell how far away it was, but it seemed higher up than they were.

"It must be a magical signal from Belboz to help us find him and Checkers," Fred said. "Come on."

"One of us could easily fall and break a leg in the darkness," Astra objected. But in his eagerness to rejoin the others, hopefully in the dry somewhere, Fred was already ten yards ahead of her, and almost invisible in the darkness and rain. Sighing, she hurriedly squelched off after him.

Twenty minutes later, two bedraggled figures stumbled into Belboz's magical shelter against the rain. Belboz managed with difficulty to keep a smirk off his face as he looked at them, especially Astra, whose soaked black broadcloth skirt and blouse clung to her body in what he found a most interesting fashion and whose long red hair was a dripping mess.

"That was unlucky," he said. "These storms can blow up so suddenly in the mountains."

"So I've heard," Astra said shortly. She was in no doubt who was responsible for the storm. "We must see to it that Fred is made dry and warm as quickly as possible," she went on. "We don't want to risk his suffering a relapse."

  1. "I can help with that," Belboz said. "But what took you so long?"

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