Good news and warning (part 3)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3655

Alternate Walants Universe 1

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred & Astra go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. In Walants they are put in jail. Their greedy lawyer Rift frees them so that they can lead him to the dead dragon's treasure. Fred & Astra get zapped to Atlantis (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe 2

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred & Astra go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. Fred, Astra and WereBear Synizn get zapped to Atlantis (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe 3

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred & Astra go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. WereBear Synizn cures them and sends them to Aqualaria where they get married and have 7 babies. Later, Synizn (now a demifox) visits them and asks for their help to destroy the Crystallic. They go to Normady and meet up with the dragon Sigin. Fred, Astra, DemiFox Synizn & Dragon Sigin get zapped to Atlantis Manimal Universe)

Alternate Walants Universe 4

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. He kills Velus. He & Astra are sent to the Calamari Desert to die. Dr.Vincent saves them. Minestus kidnaps Astra and turns her into a demifox. Fred goes after her but becomes a demifox too. Malachi and Minestus kill each other. Fred & Astra go to Walants to give Synizn the Crystallic so he can cure them. WereBear Synizn cures them and sends them to Aqualaria where they get married and have 7 babies. Later, Synizn (now a demifox) visits them and asks for their help to destroy the Crystallic. They go to Normady and meet up with the dragon Sigin. Dragoness Moreau somehow manages to drag Fred and Synizn (now a demifox) to the lost city of Atlantis, defeat them in battle, and leave them for bait for when Astra, Sigin, and the 7 infants come along finally. The other adventurers do come along, and the trap is sprung. Sigin, Fred, Astra, and the 7 infants are transformed into demifoxes. Moreau removes some magical alterations that Synizn had put on himself to prevent him from falling to his demifox nature when he smells a vixen (mundane or other wise) in heat. The dragoness then puts the still logy demifoxes in the presence of mundane foxes. The demifox females are in heat, as well as the mundane vixens. What happens next is....nature taking her course. 50 days later, well past the two week deadline to reverse the curse, the demifoxes regain themselves and find that they now have MORE infants to worry about. Bad enough, and doubly so because it appears that there is nothing that they can do about it (no revenge on Dragoness Moreau, because she swiped the Crystallic.....the only means of getting off this island that they now are on). However, Moreau got defeated by a Carradene who was at wits end. Carradene had made arrangements to FINALLY get the Pack off the Island, only to find that Malachi was well as Minestus. Since Minestus was dead, he needed not fear retaliation from the wyrm as he defeated Moreau. The Pack stumbled across the demifoxes and were bringing them up to speed when a Crystallic thrown by a paniced mage through a interdimensinoal portal lands at their feet. Sigin Vulpine, Rosepaw, their 12 kits and Carradene are zapped to a parallel Moreau's Island (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Walants Universe (??)

After Malachi and Minestus have killed each other and Fred & Astra travel to Walants, Fred's King discovers the destruction of the Southern Caves and comes to believe that Fred is dead. Fred's father, Duke Dred, thinks otherwise. He goes to the Southern Caves in search of clues to his son's whereabouts and is zapped to Atlantis (Manimal Universe).

Alternate Vampire Universe

Fred goes to the Southern Caves to slay a dragon. Instead, he is killed and resurrected as a vampire. His vampire master has captured three women for Fred to feed on; Astra, Andrea and Alicia. Andrea is the one who gets away. Alicia and Astra's unwilling blood donation is interrupted before the point where the transfer of blood between vampire and victim would change victim into vampire. The victims are still alive--albeit a few quarts low and BARELY conscious--as the AI Inquirer begins to try to fight it out. Both Astra and Alicia are rescued from becoming vampires, but when they get zapped to the Manimal Universe. Astra dies from the Phage due to something that she doesn't have in her immune system (something genetic). The Vampires are dead and dust, BTW (but you already knew that about this thread).


Atlantis Thread

The dragon Minestus is finally killed. ManFox Fred, SheFox Alicia, Astra, Willian & ManBear Synizn join forces with :: Fred 1 & Astra 1 * Fred 2, Astra 2 & WereBear Synizn * Fred 3, Astra 3, DemiFox Synizn & Dragon Sigin * Duke Dred. Along with the AI Probe they all go back to the city of Panaras. WereBear Synizn is restored to his true dragon form and becomes Dragon Synizn. The demifox Freds and Astras are all restored to their true human shape. They discover that the world is going to be destroyed unless a way is found to shut down the slipgates. The big group then splits up and heads out to various destinations.

Dred, Fred 1, Fred 2 & Astra 2 go to Walants to help the Phage victims.

  1. Continued

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