The game goes on. . .

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36006

Not seeing any danger in capturing the pawn, the Doctor does so. The nearby rook slides to the knight's file in order to threaten Susan. She is quickly moved from danger to the fourth square in the king's file. The black bishop that was now in danger retreated to QN3. Demifox Astra was then moved deep within enemy territory, square K8. Black advanced the king's rook's pawn two squares. Susan is then moved to the queen's sixth square, in order to support Demifox Astra.

The game:
22. NxP R-KN3
23. N-K4 B-QN3
24. B-K8 P-KR4
25. N-Q6 . . .

Fred had given up on searching for a way out, if there was one it was very cleaverly hidden. He now sat watching the game next to Astra. "You said, there may be more games? If so, where are the screens for veiwing those?"

"I wouldn't know. Maybe they just sort of appear when a participant in the game is taken? I doubt there are any others going on at the moment, we're the only ones who have shown up. Still, I wonder what the purpose of these games are. Maybe they don't have one other than entertainment, but I'm sure Minestus has plenty else to do than play human chess. Hmmmm. . . I wonder. . ."

  1. Suddenly, someone who was not participating in their game appears in one of the chairs
  2. The game continues

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