Fred and Checkers are Puzzled

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 35928

"How could brand new clothing from Archangel City finish up here?" Fred wondered. "Also if it was from there wouldn't you expect the abbreviation to be ARC rather than ACR? I'm tempted to try something on, but that somehow doesn't seem right without the owner's permission, whoever he or she is."

"I'd expected each locker to be used by one person," Checkers said. "After all, there seem to be just about as many lockers as there are beds. It's almost as though those items were put there just for us to take and wear... But that's a silly idea. Nobody could have known which locker we would open."

"I may as well open the next locker," Fred said.

  1. When he did so, they found inside...

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JH (sorry it's so brief, and rather back to front in view of the option taken but I was short of ideas on what they would find)

11/15/2003 12:48:46 PM

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