The End Is Near

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 35909

Black responded by moving the Knight on the Rook's file to KB6, giving check and forking King and Rook. The Doctor looked very worried now, as well he might. If less hung on the game, he might have resigned at this point.

He could not capture the Knight with his Queen, as it was protected by the other Knight. All he could do was to move himself, to either KB1 or KB2. If he went to KB1, the Black Queen would have the option of moving to R6, forcing him to KB2 next time, so he decided that he might as well move there immediately. Besides, it might help slightly in bringing his own Queen into the action.

Latest moves:
13 R-KN1 N-KB6+
14 K-KB2

  1. Now the Knight captured the Rook (Human Astra).
  2. Ignoring the capture, Black moved in for the kill: Q-R7+. (The King has two legal moves now, or the Rook can interpose.)
  3. Black made a different move.

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JH (I think the good guys were already on the slippery slope to defeat)

11/9/2003 2:00:10 PM

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