The Never Ending Quest - Episode 35188

Completely covered in brilliant samurai armour, Josh feels nearly invincible. 30-foot long sword in hand, he advances on the monster from the sea...


But wait! What's this!? Godzilla reaches for an invisible zipper and soon reveals himself to be, that's right, you guessed it...ODS. "EAT LEAD!" he exclaims as he produces two glock-19s from beneath a leather coat.

Josh dodges the storm of bullets and lunges at ODS like a lion prouncing on a nature documentary camera man. ODS steps aside too late, and looses his right leg for it. He cries out in mind- numbing pain, but quickly regains his wits as he withdraws a massive warhammer from his belt.

Josh does a flashy display of swordsmanship with his weapon, dancing around the injured ODS. In his carelessness, he lets his guard down, and the mace crushes his head. He falls to the ground, destroying a large neighborhood.

ODS limps over to Josh and finshes the job. Rivers of blood flow through the city, staining the streets red.

  1. ODS continues his one-legged rampage...

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