
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3455

They began their overland journey and soon found themselves being followed by a band of unruly teen boys who were in awe of the soldier-woman and in a state of extreme excitement over the very nude Astra. Quite easily the soldier Anina scared the bejeebers out of the teenagers and soon the princess Astra found a nearby cottage, a washing woman and some clothing.

"My thanks to you, m'lady," exclaimed Astra as she left.

"The thanks be all mine, m'Lady," responded the washer woman. "It be a rare circumstance that bring royalty to m'gates and the gods smile upon builders of peace."

Astra had also asked for a broom and had cut off the bristles. With the stick in hand she felt at a better advantage – though not the quarterstaff she had trained on at an early age, the stick was still a weapon.

They traveled far that first day, and by nightfall they made camp at the edge of a small wood. They built no fire for they were still wary of all the evil that had brought them to this time, to this place. They did not wish to bring on any unwanted attention with a bright burning fire in the night. Taking turns the warriors stood watch and the night soon passed to dawn.

The second day found them in high country. The rolling hills afforded them a view that stretched for many kilometers and in the distance the high tower of some keep could be seen. After some discussion the duo decided to steer away from the keep; it could be a border watch for the Great Kingdom, or it could be under the command of others less welcoming. Soon the night advanced again. This second night, however, visited upon Princess Astra the pounding hooves of the night-mares.

Astra stood at the edge of a pool of dark chocolate, and within bobbed the form of Lord Fred. "Hiya, Astra-lastra!!" yelled Fred. This name she hadn't heard for many years. "Come on in, the chocolate's warm and the crowds haven't arrived." Astra thought nothing would be better than a nice swim in the chocolate waters, yet as she was about to dive in she saw a sign posted by the chocolate's edge. It read: "No one under ten may swim without supervision of lifeguard." She looked about, there was no lifeguard. "Sorry, Fred. I'm only nine and there aren't any guards." "That's okey-dokey with me. Besides there seems to be a big lizard in here. I think that wyrm just ripped my back off. Ouch! Yep, he sure did!" Fred began to bob wildly and the chocolate turned a reddish hue. "Sorry you can't come and play with me right now, but don't worry, I'll see you in your dreams!" With that Fred sank into the chocolate while Astra began to vomit. Then she woke up.

Though the sun had not yet arisen Anina took Astra by her shoulders and their journey began anew. Soon they had traveled many kilometers and with the sun beating down upon them they decided to take a rest near a rock outcropping.

  1. There suddenly came the sound of yelling that seemed to come from beyond the next hilltop....
  2. The found something strange...

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