Somebody Put Something in My Drink

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34150

It came to pass that the first thing Josh, Scott, Fred, and ODS did was get absolutely hammered.

Josh stuck to his usual favorite, being cheap beer. Scott was more daring, drinking straight bourbon until he was blotto. ODS mixed his drinks up, and soon had trouble standing up. Fred, being a pathetic lush, slammed a few wine coolers, and found himself crying over failed romances. He kept trying to talk about this girl he met, and he couldn't even remember her name, except that it maybe started with a C, D, K, or X. Apparently, whoever this girl was, she ditched Fred to apparently party with the mayor of a midsized Midwestern town.

What happens next?

  1. Everyone sobers up and does something constructive.
  2. Fred is mocked for being such a crybaby when he's drunk.
  3. Drunken phone calls!
  4. Scott vomits down Josh's pants.

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Ben McClellan

10/18/2004 10:18:04 PM

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