Belboz's Brainwave

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34135

"If Penn is a week's easy ride away, then that must mean that it is three weeks away on foot," Belboz pointed out. "I assume, Fred, that the horse that you came on is tethered somewhere outside the caves, but we cannot all four ride on one horse. Even if we wait for your squire to arrive sometime next week, then that would still mean sharing two horses, which for a journey of that length is not really practical. And that's not allowing for the squire, who I'd imagine you would not wish to have to walk back alone to Penn through such dangerous countryside. No doubt you planned for him to ride back on your original horse. Nor do I think that it would be wise to attempt to walk to Penn instead. Those on foot are much more at risk from the wild things that lurk in the hills than are those on horseback.

"So the question arises of whether you are willing to break up our fellowship. You could ride back to Penn with the squire on the two horses, and return when you are well again. In fact you could even take Checkers with you, for unlike Astra she is light enough not to overburden a horse that is shared with another. But I must warn you that that it could take many months of recovery before you are fit enough to resume your quest."

"What about Princess Astra?" Fred asked. "She can hardly remain here with you for a matter of months."

I could say that, as you are my bondswoman of your own free will, you should do exactly that, Belboz projected to Astra. But I feel that such a reply might not go down very well with the noble lord. However, I have thought of a way of reassuring him. "I could put Astra into suspended animation as I did with Checkers," Belboz said. "She would be perfectly safe. I could then revive her when you and Checkers returned." In practice, Princess, I should revive you as soon as Fred and Checkers have gone on their way.

"Supposing something were to happen to you, Belboz, so that you could not revive her?" Checkers asked.

"A good point. I could put a time limit of say six months on the spell, so that if I did not revive her within that period she would awaken anyway." Not that Belboz was actually capable of that, but the situation was not going to arise.

  1. Fred and Checkers, and Astra perforce, agree to this.
  2. Fred says that there is no need for suspended animation. When he gets back to Penn, he will send a horse for Astra, and she can rejoin him. She will still have to stay with Belboz for a couple of weeks, though.
  3. Fred suggests that Astra would probably rather go home to Aqualaria.
  4. Fred comes up with another plan entirely.

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