Never Rest When Fleeing Ranma Saotome

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 33739

Fred, who has steadfastly refused throughout his entire life to undertake a workout regimen, is all tuckered out. Before him he sees a series of chairs, so he randomly selects the blue chair and plops down in it.

Ahhhhhhhh! sighs Fred as he kicks off his boots and starts to relax.


Ranma Saotome comes rushing up and stops, sword drawn, directly in front of Fred.

You know, says Ranma Saotome, you really are a moron. You didn't even try to cover your tracks. You were easier to track than a polecat in a swamp.

Ranma Saotome raises his sword and says, Prepare to die, you swine. This is for insulting me back there with Belboz!

Ranma Saotome's sword begins the arc of its swing, but then Fred jumps up and yells WAIT!

  1. Fred begs for mercy
  2. Fred's cry startles Ranma Saotome long enough so Fred can take off running again
  3. Fred pulls out his own sword and commences to battle with Ranma Saotome
  4. Ranma Saotome starts to laugh uncontrollably at the wet mark Fred left on the fabled blue chair

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