Tour Diary: Louisville

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 33696

Josh angrily flips through the Kibology literature that he was handed by several of the Laugh-In regulars. This was not going to help the problem of Scott and Todd from Rundgren Street beating the crap out of the drums in the staircase room. Finally, he storms up to Dan Rowan and Dick Martin.

"Hey!" yells Josh, "What the hell am I supposed to to with Kibo?!"
"Blow in his ear, and he'll follow you anywhere!" chortles Martin.
"You know, Josh," Rowan muses, taking a puff from his pipe, "I think you need a nice, cold shower."
"Yeah, that's probably what I need, a cold shower," Josh says half- sarcastically.

Dan and Dick back away, and Josh gets drenched from above. Handfuls of paper fall out of his hands. "You okay now, Josh?" asks Dan. "Say good night, Josh!"
"Good night, Josh!" echoes Dick.

And Josh drops through the trap door. All the Laugh-In regulars open their doors or hatches and laugh. It's funny!

  1. Josh crawls back up, totally humbled and humiliated.
  2. Josh suddenly drops down from the ceiling and hits the stage. How'd he do that?

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