Getting your CO back into the loop.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3243

".....and then the ghost apparently tried to displace my consciousness from the gem!" Inquirer said while she was working on Probe's base unit. Probe tried not to fidget as she made an adjustment to one of his sensor units before removing yet another snooper (that had been the fifth one in as many minutes).

"Of course I struck back like I would have a hacker," the female Golem wraps up, casting a spell upon the pile of snoopers that make them glow right before they turn into a pile of dust. "And I learned a few things from the exchange. Not the least being how to caste a spell or three!

"And speaking about magic," Inquirer goes on, looking at Dr. Vincent. "How do I go about turning off this Mage sight? I mean, it's nice and all, but....."

"Judging from the spells I've seen you cast," the eccentric Dr. Vincent murmurs in thought. "I'd say you're about on par with me when I was.....oh.....something like eight years into practicing the Arte.....and I had the same problem until year fifteen......

"But, I don't think we need to wait seven years for you to learn that small trick, so....." Dr. Vincent explains the mental trick needed to switch that Sight on and off at will. Inquirer's eye's switch back to normal, no longer glowing crimson.

"Thanks," the female AI/golem sighs. "That was fun, but......."

Probe finishes examining the gruesome remains of Inquirer's base unit.

The Tech boys back home are NEVER going to believe this! the senior Golem mutters to himself. If nothing else, they'll be envious of how Terran mages were able to fit an intelligence into a "unit" that can fit into the palm of my Avatar's hand! My mind is about half the size of the base unit....which is about the size of a human coffin....... Inquirer's old host unit wasn't much smaller, despite being twenty years younger than mine......

"I found no snooper units in there, Inquirer." Probe sighs. "I see now why they switched Tech boys when it came time for my 50k tuneup. He'd been a plant!"

"The Suites are wising up," Inquirer nods. "That's how they were able to get the codes on me. They just lifted it from every session we had......"

"I'm beginning to think that they have as many operatives in Us as we have in them," Probe muses. "However, I don't think that our particular brand of traitors down in the dungeons worked for the Company......because frankly, the Company views the Enemy just as We view the Enemy....something to be wiped out.

"But right now, since we've found the last of any potential leaks we need to contact Command," Probe finishes. "He needs to know about this ASAP. I'll need you to 'come along' to talk to the Old Man, Inquirer."

"Let me get the secured unit, Sir" Inquirer says, picking up something like a old style video camera on tripod.

"Excuse us, folks," Probe says, pausing. "But I and my comrade here need to inform our Higher Ups about the treachery of the Phantoms."

"Ack, got right ahead," the Dragon Regent nods. "I'd hate to think what mischief they're causing right now, the vipers!" Murmurs of agreement follow Malachi Dronocis' statement.

Probe pauses yet again when he sees Inquirer make a patch connection between herself and her "radio."

"Sir, even though every circuit was transferred....I can't use my built in comm unit," she murmurs, embarrassed. "So, I'm stuck doing it the human way."

Probe nods, understanding. Radio units had been needed, because as versatile as the cybernetic units that had linked human to Avatar had been, due to design limitations within the rig, there was still need for a separate channel....a separate line of communication for individuals speaking to each other. At least as far as humans were concerned......or for a certain AI who's spirit now resided in a gem......

  1. "Lt., at least you don't have to explain that costume," Probe chuckled as a connection was made between himself and the secured unit. "I doubt that he's in a good mood right now....considering all that's happened."

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