The Regent wishes not to be disturbed.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3148

Malachi Dronicis, first Dragon Regent of Ethiopia, groans and lifts her head, which feels like three Dragon Slayers are pounding upon with heavy mauls. She blearily looks up and sees what looks to be two humans arguing in front of her.

"My Lady!" a man's voice says from the side. "You're awake and alive! We've been searching all over for you after we found you missing. And who are all these people?!"

"Huh?" the Dragon Regent asks thickly, still recovering from the wallop that the ghost of Dr. Vincent's transportation device had. "Wha...?"

"I think I can explain to her Dragonship, gents." The female human says. "But I'll do it alone."

The dragoness, quickly recovering due to her connection to her beloved land, waves all protest away and then, as her concerned servants leave, turns back to the old man dressed in grey robes and the younger looking female human dressed in yeoman's clothing.

She looks like a female version of that character.....Robin Hood! the dragoness thinks to herself. Then she catches sight of who's behind her two unexpected guest, and the dragoness' mouth drops open in surprise.

"Malachi, you may want to set up some.....magical spoofers or whatever to block out any listening ears," the female golem warns. The dragoness nods numbly and a shimmering wall forms around her and her guests.

Inquirer and Dr. Vincent quickly explain what happened. The AI/golem explains what her group was doing, and Dr. Vincent fill in what he learned from the his ghostly analog. The dragoness catches on quickly, due in part to her long association of dealing with the unusual....and strange (being a Dragon Circle Leader meant you needed to be flexible mentally and ready to rapidly adapt to new and dangerous situations.....came with the see).

"With all that's been happening, I think that it's time for both sides to meet," Inquirer says. "Things have gotten.....out of hand....and I think that what's in MY ship is a possible means for a cure for the Phage," Inquirer mutters. "Now if I can just get my friend here to give a little insight......"

"You still have not convinced me, golem," Dr. Vincent says stubbornly.

"Well, let me explain for you, my esteemed college," Malachi chuckles grimly. "It may SEEM that your ghostly counterpart is correct, BUT he's dead wrong about the Phage protecting us.

"Simply put....for I've done much thinking about the admittedly forced deal between Terra and the Alliance.....that perhaps it's for the best," Malachi says, after shifting into her human form. "You might think that the Alliance is......undesirable. However, they at least have the might needed to keep the Enemy from returning and finishing off Terra with.....more nuclear bombs."

"Exactly," Inquirer says to the pale Dr. Vincent. "See, the Lizards DON'T want the Alliance to have this world. The smart thing that I'd do in their place is either to try to find a cure so THEY can come back and mine this place.....after engaging us in a full holds barred deep space battle.....which Creator know's WHO'D win. Barring that, if I was them.....desperate.......and they know that WE are working on a cure as well....they'll do whatever it takes to deny the Alliance this world....including kamikaze tactics.....a spaceship Hellbent on ramming into Terra at say....half the speed of light......would vaporize the planet.....and vaporize any hope of the Alliance mining Terra....which we'd compensate you folks fairly....where as the Lizards....would just take it and use you folk as cattle....."

"I....remember what that Enemy had seen," Dr. Vincent says quietly, reliving an alien memory. "By God, we've got to stop them!"

Malachi and Inquirer smile grimly. Now, perhaps, something can be done

"But first, let's go on and fix the bleeping damage to my world!" Malachi says happily. "And with the wallop five Crystallics has together....I'll need the other mages awake for this! With FIVE, by God, I don't even have to worry about not being at the sight of the damage to repair it!! Because the powers of the combined Crystallic are exponential.....who needs to leave Ethiopia!?"

  1. <And I'll be able to see my Sigin!> the happy dragoness laughs to herself, heart singing. <As well as meet this....sister of mine!>

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