Together Again

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3115

As his mind ran, Fred didn’t even see his feet moving closer to the girl he loved. When they were only an arms length away, he came to a sudden stop. They gazed into each other’s eyes, and emotion overcame Fred. Tears silently slid down his cheeks. He noticed she felt the same way. The two threw each other at one another and embraced passionately

“Rubia” he whispered through his light sobs. “Is that really you?”

Rubia simply nodded and Fred was satisfied.

"This must be an illusion" Fred tried to tell himself, but these doubts were fading away and being replaced by hope and comfort. If it was an illusion, Fred didn't want it to end. He hoped this moment would last forever, for he felt as though life had been a misery until now.

Neither of them said a word for a long while. They just stood there, holding each other tightly, listening to the sounds of the tide slide into the beach, the birds around them chirp there soothing melody, and the wind whistle softly.

  1. After a while, Fred asks her how she got here.
  2. Suddenly, Rubia dissapears into to thin air, right out of Fred's arms.
  3. Without warning, Rubia begins to cackle eerily. This can't be good.

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Noise Tank (Writing episodes during my free time in school comes very useful)

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