Leaving his Shoggoth Birthright

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3010

The lustful desire in Fred completely blocked out the voice of the Second Shoggoth. Having abandoned his Shoggoth birthright, he was now able to persure the woman offering herself to him. Fred moved in closer to take her.

In one swift movement, the Third Shoggoth knocked Fred onto his back and had him pinned to the ground. "I knew my sexual temptation would draw out your true nature. A Shoggoth has no sexual desire. You are no Shoggoth. I should kill you now for your attempt at deceit. But something tells me you still may be useful. I will let my blade decide."

The Third Shoggoth left Fred on the ground. He was too dazzled with her naked beauty to think of this situation rationally. She picked up a blade from her table and faced Fred. Fred smiled, now seeing her frontside again. She hurled the blade at him.

  1. Fred was struck in the shoulder, causing a serious wound. He passes out.
  2. Fred was struck in the heart, killing him instantly. The Third Shoggoth continues her evil plans.

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