Battle for the Bauble

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29891

Tarin Gazin 2

Here we are, running about like chickens with the heads chopped off and ....a flash of gold and silver and then a more clear view the closer we get.

Then we know for sure we have reach Belboz/Minestus's lair! We know this because as we'd expected, he is in his draconic form and VERY distracted right now...and by the looks of it VERY much in pain and confusion.



I am not a dwarf any more, but the "scent" I get off of THIS Dragon's Hoard is....different from the others I've encountered except for two. And even with those two particular Dragons--Regent Malachi and her consort (the blue scaled dragon nicknamed "Dragon Sigin")--who've bound themselves to their beloved land called Ethiopia it does NOT have the same....scent.

Ah, think I'd better explain here so that you understand. See, even before coming to be an elf I had a touch of....magic to me (like a few other dwarves). My brother had suffered from fits of second sight into other parallel worlds (which ended upon the destruction of the slipgate of Terra Prime). I had (and still have) an ability to "smell" certain kinds of magic, for want of a better word. I've refined that ability to where I'm now able to identify certain kinds of magery and such under dragon training (since becoming an elf), was NOT something a proper dwarf on my world goes about bragging about, being that such made a dwarf less....than a dwarf if you catch my meaning. Oh, my former people weren't as xenophobic like my dwarven analog brother's in I'd be banished for it. But I'd be relegated to a decidedly second class lot in life.

See, we'd all already figured that things here on this world were decidedly different with Dragons and their Hoards and thus I cannot say I'm totally surprised by the smell I get from the gold and gems ahead. It's just that I'd not expected it to be SO different. Then again, fair dues, I should have figured on it. Those Dragon Hoards of the Regent and Consort no longer were needed by them because of them being Champions (but they were still attached to them all the same). Before becoming freed up by becoming Champions, both Regent and Consort had been unable to leave the confines of their adopted homeland! With this Belboz and his Hoard, things were different in that his lifeforce (we theorize) was bound to the Glider nation, but he could leave the boundaries any time with an effort of will.

Jarlath had said something about there perhaps being a compulsion for Belboz to go to the Glider land (and thus would have explained, according to Checkers, why the dragon had come to her lands to darken it with his presence), but that's all speculation and theory.

By the Forge, so much is in the air right now! I do hope that if we DO manage to kill Belboz that the Hoard will translate over to Checkers (and thus spare her land and people sharing the dragon mage's fate in death). Jarlath and Jenny (the resident magic experts) say it will, but there is some questions on what will happen AFTER when I asked about Checkers and her new Hoard.

They'd been silent, finally admitting that they weren't sure if something could be done about the Link even WITH the Crystallic. The hope had been to safely break the Link between Hoard and Land, and then returning Checkers to normal if she wished (that is, if we were swift enough). She might not wish it, once we are done. That and we might NOT be able to break the Link and she MIGHT be frozen in as a dragoness because of that Link.

Whatever the case, we've got a battle on our hands despite the destraction Checkers is causing Belboz because of the Crystallic!

Ack, a battle for the bauble, it will have to be...


Too many questions for my tastes. That and we don't have TIME for questions.

See, we have a Dragon to kill here. Atlantian bauble or no, we must.

Checkers, meanwhile, is still pulling on the Hoard (increasingly having an argument with this new....seductive side of her body) when it happens.

She'd been fighting, feeling despite her best efforts Minestus getting the upper hand when... A big RUSH of....something. Not pain but exquisite.... She's never experience this before so cannot put words to it as something.....

The Hoard....feeling the Hoard is....

Something more! Better!!


"Feels.....So good...." she whispers, shivering. "Resist...must...."

  1. Blackness...

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