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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29728


True, I sigh as I remember the science lessons the Doctor gave us all....

Do NOT think I'll ever think of a "neutron" (a sub-atomic particle not known by me to exist until coming to Terra Prime) the same way again, much less contemplate how one gets them to flow (and MUCH less on how to reverse their cursed flow)!

Ah, but what I learned! How the ideas of "how it all works" conceived by various races are so shaped by our worldviews. Oh, while say Farscapian physics might look different than the Star Treker's breed, in the whole it hardly mattered to the universe (or a grand scale of universes.... who are so similar to each other for so far....out by jumpship....would have to go well beyond jumpship range to start getting changes, like in the speed of light or some such enough to effect modern Military computer circuitry and such). The universe at large doesn't change it's nature to just satisfy one's wishes, you know. Or even a whole group of people's wishes, even. See, the universe works under the rules it works under, and doesn't freely GIVE up the inner workings to any old lazy person who just asks for the answers without a dint of a LOT of work and effort! And the sad thing is that even with that, a person might not (even after centuries and centuries going at it) come up with the complete picture!

Probably the person with the MOST complete, accurate picture in our group here would be the Doctor! It's just due to incomplete picture, bias, and a lack of adequate data that we have variations, 'tis all. And even the Doctor says that Whovian physics (a nightmare subject if you ask me to learn in detail) isn't complete because the Timelords now had to go back and somehow figure out how Magic fit into their grand scheme on Everything! Oh, Dr. Vincent's Grand Unified Theory did wonders in helping bridging the gap between Magery and Science, but still much was needing to be redone!

The meaning of all that I've said? Well, it's obvious that sometimes the models we use to understand something are not always going to fit perfectly compared to the reality?

Ah, and the reality is that the Doctor and Inquirer have finally hashed out some kind of plan by the time Scorpius grows tired of bantering with both of them and instead gets down to busines, clearly tired of a verbal battle that was getting him nowhere (and one he was beginning to suspect he was slowly losing)! B'Elanna and Elrondir have, during this delaying action by the Timelord and wife team, finally managed to find the specific type of Aylish cleric for the next part. Point in fact, later, we'll find out that we had ruffled more than a FEW feathers when the elves flatly refused the guffawing laughs and demands that the "bigger" clerics of the more established temples of Aylse made upon hearing us ask for the humble (and only) cleric of Mesus.

See, Mesus is the goddess that Sigin's Torg character converted to upon departing from the Living Lands and.....

Well, I'll let the next person in line here tell that part!

"Give me Crichton and you shall get your precious Lady," Scorpius finally says. "I want him, you see. You can meet me at....."

  1. Not over the open air you SHMUCK! he suddenly hears a female voice say, echoing inside his head in it's vehemence. The Company is monitoring every word here! Besides, what you want is not Crichton!

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