
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29628

And while Checkers is figuring this all out (in the end deciding to throw in with the Champions).....


The tengu are quietly gathering up their new clothing and weaponry that Jarlath provided them.

Naturally, I see that the gear has more than a little bit of Far Eastern influence upon it. Whilst basically still "Western" in function, there is a definite Eastern motif to it. Meaning that while, for example, the tengu who'd used to call himself Fred has a sword that is not the style of sword a samuri would carry but instead was the standard long sword found with most knights of the realm here (with decidedly oriental decorations upon it's handle and even a few oriental designs upon the blade of the sword itself).

Tengu being of Far Eastern origin and culture (almost an instinctive racial memory as strong as what graces us Fey Elves), it surprises me not. Point in fact I'm rather surprised that it hadn't influenced their choice in present bodies. Oh, I note that both Astr. . . . the tengus who'd called herself Astra is presently redoing her hair in a more oriental style, but she still has that same occidental body design (red hair and all) that she'd been born with as before (if you don't count her beak). Maybe afterwards, we'll see her shift into something else, but this form is what she and the tengu formerly....


Sigh. Look, I'm getting tired of this! I just cannot keep referring to them in such a manner similar to say like how that one pop artist, Prince, changed his musical name! It's ridiculous!!

Now, they utterly refuse to use names for themselves (just leaving themselves as tengu), but for myself I'll just refer to them as Tengu Fred and Tengu Astra. Easier.

Well, the fact that they've kept as much to their original forms as they have at least gives me and the others hope that we'd be able to talk them into rejoining the human race after this is done (duty to country and all that). That...sort of squares with what I see (but I kind of have a feeling that I'm just having wishful thoughts and we somehow haven't failed our duties to our analog kin in failing to prevent them getting so....far into their transformed natures).


Nevermind, I don't want to talk about this right now.

While I admit that the extra swords and fighting skills they'll add to this upcoming battle will be a boon, I still wish they had not been so....like me and my wife in their ways.

Okay, what I'm not square with is just how we're going to be able to defeat Minestus (even without that Crystallic) without having to resort to killing him! I mean, kill that blasted dragon and we're killing an innocent nation!! That problem and we still have this Changling curse to undo on Checkers (which means we need to get AWAY the very powerful artifact that Minestus)...



She changes into whatever the first viewer wants...taking on the very nature of the new form. Mature dragons (in their wyrm state) must have a Hoard to survive AND if Belboz...Minestus (or whatever his real name is) is so ignorant about what Terra Prime dragons know about their natures to have somehow to accidentally (!) gotten their lifeforce attached to a human land (or in this case a related species, I wont)....

What else hasn't he known what to do in order to say...another newly formed dragoness (female wyrm) from just performing a few rituals our dragon friends back on Terra Prime told us of and....

Yeah, that might...work... Tug of war kind of distraction between Belboz and Checkers might give us a MUCH better chance at success without. The other way we'd be facing LONG odds indeed! Would still be able to do it.... Well, I'd like to THINK we'd be able to do it but surely we'd take casualities. Bodies broken or atomized (only to be returned to commission by the Rules and Agents AFTER the Quest was done here). Sure that ONE of us would get through, looking down upon Belboz's dead corpse but....

We know just why we don't want to go THAT route!

So, I guess I might just want to throw this out to the crowd and see if they have any better suggestions.

Frankly, I'm rather interested in hearing Checker's input on this matter, considering the risks of this admittedly "iffy" suggestion I'm about to make.


The one who looks like my love only stares at us like we have UTTER lost our minds.

"You want me to WHAT?!" she finally gags.

  1. "You didn't hear everything about that, did you?" I say softly, finding my patience (already on edge) is running even thinner now.

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