Chiana in the Court

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29043


And we are escorted forth to the court of Pella Ardinay...

"Lay on, McDuff," my husband murmurs quietly as he passes near our escort to the court.


That was, according to my husband, one of the many lines he should have gotten credit for in playwriting except for the ever present need of secrecy from his world' nations (frell, I still forget that his world hadn't gotten to the point of one world government) Council of Wyrms. Instead, through a elaborate "shell game" (his words), he instead had those plays published through a poor, third rate playwright by the name of....what was it?... Oh, William Shakespeare! Had to do it that way because "his Muse had moved him" at the time (and couldn't be denied) but if a more direct route was used, he'd be accused of the crime of being "too involved" in humanity, risking his draconian nature by "human contamination".


Yeah, I guess we both had our, shall we say, hard times with our respective powers that be....

Anyway, that is one of many things he has (as of yet) not told his friends. Seems that a long time ago he had learned that human beings tire quickly of "name droppers" (when the "dropper" is thought to be a "humbug", whatever kind of insect that is). Thus, while they know about him having met quiet a few people in his journeys, they only know a fraction of the true number.

Hey, it works for me. Besides, the way that John has of late been acting....weirder than usual whenever yet another "crossover" or some such happens, Sigin had said he didn't want to push Crichton's composer more than needful. Not that the guy couldn't take it, it just wouldn't be...polite.

Okay. Usually might have had fun a little there myself, but then again...


Just is not the time for it. Besides, our rather richly dressed (but now a bit....lighter after a bit of harmless snurching) is impatient enough to be done with us as it stands!

I believe it shall be hours before he notices, and then I and the others shall be well gone by then (and the trail cold).


It never pays to keep a Lady waiting! I send to Sigin as we enter into the Court, where this Pella Ardinay woman sits on her throne. . . Or should be sitting....?

  1. "Where the devil is she?" I hear the Brig mutter as he sees (like we all do) how our escort hadn't expected this absence. A frantic search soon entails....

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